hahaha, Dear Mr Lee...so MAN! the kitten is so cute! they found it last yr, outside the AEP art office. he's so....got "ai xin"!!!!!!!
Mr Lee Rocks!!!!!
Yesterday went back to DHS with karen to take my graduation cert. Actually i dun feel like taking it because it wasn't very nice to see, and it kind of reminds me of the day when i receive my O-level result. I'm really really very sad over the result...nvm...we took the cert then...actually the sch is very empty laz, i only saw one car, then the general office only left with those admin people. then karen saw mr low's name on his office door. then she laughed and say it's so weird to see his name now. well...i found it weird too...that mr low...never talked or smsed or e-mailed or saw him for like months...he just seemed to have disappeared from this world. nvm...then we saw mrs goh...she looked so tired...sigh...and later i went to see my painting, they hang it up at the third floor walless classroom there. duno why my one seemed very small compared to the others. and i also duno why it is hung opposite to xiaohua's painting....we went to have to lunch with mrs goh...we were talking talking talking...then she say now mr low is very busy, he aged a lot...sigh...actually me and karen wanted to ask him abt SEA art hist thing then later i decided not to disturb him liaoz....he's such a glutton for work...shld take care of his health...then we went on to talk about man...then mrs goh asked me if mr low asks me to quit art and mr lee asks me to continue i'll listen to who?.......................................................It's really a hard question....mr lee so cute! how to not listen to him??? but then i always end up following mr low's instruction....sigh....mr lee....mr low....mr lee...