hahaha, the day before yesterday i went to listen to Doctor Jane Goodall's talk. Jane Goodall is the world's foremost authority on chimpanzees, having closely observed their behavior for the past quarter century in the jungles of the Gombe Game Reserve in Africa, living in the chimps' environment and gaining their confidence. wahahaha, got to know about it through greenlink. And at first when i first heard of this, i was so amazed that the government actually picked NJC instead of other top JCs like HCJC or RJC. anyway, our principal mrs cheng must have tried...err..very hard...REALLY VERY HARD to get Doc Goodall here. and well, we did lose a bit of face becos of the lousy sound system, first there's the nonstopping "tick" sound which led to Doc Goodall's humurous comment :" are you sure it is not a bomb?" wahaha, a cool little old British woman. Marvelous! and then later, when i went up to ask questions, the microphone failed to produce any sound, wad a flop...sigh...and then i have to go all the way to the front to ask her the question. I asked about corruption in Africa, and clearly, she's not at all very happy with my special interest in African corruptions and went on to claim that there's corruptions everywhere, including the richest country on Earth...which...of course, she meant the States. But wad i am thinking about is that, the African governments in Zambia... and Congo and many others are really corrupted to an extent that their own people can be dying out there, due to things as basic as hunger and they themselves can enjoy luxuries such as buying diamonds, gemstones...it's not like the case of china or US where at least, the standard of living has raised or is rising....wadever...nvm... okay, and after asking the question, finally i cant stop the urge...ever since the "quit photog" incident, i have developed this problem...called the "camera phobia", i duno why, just very scared of holding the huge black SLR...then the day before yesterday i smsed jiayi and asked if anyone's taking photo for the talk and he said no. and then...it is when i start to have this dilemma of whether i should go and take photos, cos i might need them for my report but i really dun wana touch cameras right now. So on that day, i went to darkrm and took a nikon cam, i passed it to my senior junying and asked him to take photos, but then he didnt dare to go the the very front together with all photographers from straitstime and sph...so ended up..Doc Goodall's face appeared very small...sigh...then in the end, i juz dashed down with the camera, din care if mrs cheng or whoever is looking at me, at that time the only thing in my mind was"to get nice photos" and in the end, yes i did, though LT5 was quite dark, the lighting is really horrible, i had to use ISO800 and shutterspeed 40...i cant compromise the shutterspeed any furthur cos actually, i should keep it no lower than 60 to prevent hand shake...but nvm...ISO 800...i was so scared that the photos will turn out very grainy but in the end...aft i upload them in darkrm, they appeared to be ok...thank god...and i overcame my "camera phobia"! wahaha ...
and yeah...im a bit worried abt jiayi, he told me he's damn stressed out these few days...on the brink of collapse...it's really quite worrying because he's not a guy who will show his weaknesses or exhuastion easily. and he doesnt like to share his problems and since he dun like it, i wont ask him...but maybe i shld write an encouraging letter to him...yeah...and that's all...afterall im not supposed to be the one who's doing the "most" for him, haha, leave that to his "sweetheart", i think he needs her much more than he needs my help. yeah...but as a friend...im really quite worried, hope he can pull himself together and not be so stressed... :)