Wednesday, October 03, 2007

well, i got back art hist, not bad, for the first time i got higher than karen, ok, i shouldnt have said that. oh well...but i barely got a B, and winston said there's no one who got A, for theory. And i dun think there's any chance for me to get an A for coursework, so i shall just be settled on a B.

As for math, i am not that worried cos i am quite sure that if i do my practices and things like that, i will be able to score, it's just a matter of how much many questions i practice. i am aiming for an A and i die die must get it...irritating...sighz

for Lit...i seriously dun know how to improve...just got back dio's paper, passed, got 14 but then it's kind of still bad. same mark as CT2...sosad..and again i failed whitby's paper, one 9 and one 13...i just cant do compare and contrast and whitby is really sharp at pointing out weaknesses, yes, i am still struggling with surface content how am i going to even go into deeper analysis? it's just a wrong choice choosing lit, and h2 is just even more diff, i bet i failed all 3 papers again. sighz, but i seriously don't want to fail any subjects in prelim, math is already bad enough...

hist...i dun even dare to think of it, ms oon is just too scary, she sounded so fierce and i know all of us did badly and there's no such luck as i am the only one who did fairly well, no, no such thing one, i will suffer together with all the rest.
and come on, i tot guided democracy is parliamentry democracy...-_-''no it is not! it is a maximum government!

i am just so screwed...and cant believe i am still talking to jy online right now.