Let's have a comparison...this is 2004 Greece Olympics opening
and below are the pics of 2008 Beijing Olympics

It's been a week in China. I think I will be bored like every other times that I return, but this time, it's really awesome. Beijing seems to have gone through a huge transformation. The roads are clean, the streets and completely filled with fresh flowers, wow, you'll be amazed by the different types of flowers, I've never seen these species when I was young. And of course, the friendly Beijing citizens, everywhere you go, you'll see beijing ppl wearing the volunteer's t-shirts, young and old, you can feel their pride, the Olympics has done a great deal in changing China, esp Beijing. But one thing that did not change, and I most cherish about this city, is it's people's openness, there's no way you are going to feel helpless and lonely here in Beijing...haha, One day, I was kinda bored at home, so I went to the shopping centre, since it's the day that my dad's car can't go on the road ( cos like odd numbered day only odd numbered plate de car can go onto the road) so I took the shopping centre's shuttle bus. Gosh, Last time i really hated taking beijing's public transport cos of the smell and stuff, but this time, the air-con was juz nice and there's no smell, everything's so well done! to add on it, it's the fact that there were around 6 of us on the bus, none of us knew each other beforehand but we chatted as if we were family! like...wow, you can'tdescribe the feeling. It's like, overseas in the western countries and in spore, ppl speak softly and don't ever talk to strangers unnecessarily...but here in beijing, everyone takes everyone as their family! on the bus we were talking about everything under the sun, the aunties and uncles were worrying if i can't cook in london, and they were trying to teach me how to manage the stress of living alone in a foreign country...i so love them lah...hahaha
oh well...of course of course, putting aside the all bright side of beijing and the olympics...i must say that I was a little disappointed with the chinese government, oh well, i can understand their axiety...i can see that they want the olympics to go well vey veyr very badly...but...here's the thing, they have juz crossed the line. In order to keep everything under control, it created lots and lots of inconveniences for the people, though the beijing citizens are very forgiving, i as a...half beijinger can't really take the sort of thing. Like, due to the olympics, anything that's not made it beijing such as furnitures and some food stuff are not allowed to be transported to beijing...-_-''' and...the keep on block this road and block that road...everything's blocked. and they have checks here and checks there.
The most unacceptable thing was the government's fakeness. like that day...i went to watch the olympic relay...and i realised that they actually have arranged audience, and they block all the rest of the 'real audience' who are beijing citizens...damn bad lor...but still, i managed to squeeze my way through and took a few photos..haha...shall upload next time...
went to watch the olympics ysd...opening...nah...not very nice...haiz...but...ppl are impressed...
Up till now...China has clinched 2 GOLDS!!! Yehhhh!!!