Today Greenlink meeting we celebrated Hongyi(our president)'s birthday...supposed to be together with the VP connie also but she wasn't there. Mr Loh bought the cake, it was really nice...chocolate...sometimes i duno why, though Greenlink can be a million or a billion times more peaceful and enjoyable than Photog...i juz tend to focus and concentrate more on PS...maybe because he's there?? i duno...really...but Greenlink is really really nice la...like today...when i say do weeding, then everyone helped..it's really like a family. And the tcher incharge are really nice, friendly, funny, and "can be eaily bullied". really, mr Loh is so blur but nice la, and Mr Heah also...they both tried to play the music of "happy birthday" song for Hongyi but in the end...haha...cannot make it la...very funny...
And well...many things happened and are happening right now...im juz way too busy to blog. the "me and him" thing is developing towards a direction in which i myself..dont really know where. anyway...yeah...the say before Open Day...which is last Friday. We both were in darkroom for a long long long time...i duno how long...but it's really LONG.
so we talked some really random stuff before he started introducing me to some of the funny videos he found on Youtube. i cant quite relate to them cos...yeah...i don't really grow up with such things, my father will never allow me to watch such stuff and naturally, as i grow up...i tend to not to watch such things too. but later, he showed me this MV, a song by 光良, it's about this guy telling the girl that he likes her. Suddenly im like"wow, why is he showing me this??"...i dont want to speculate on this too much but it just kept pulling me towards the thought that he might want to convey some message to me...well...i think i juz think too much laz. and then later the nxt day...aft Open Day...sijie, him and i went for dinner...at first we talked fine...but later when sijie left half way...it suddenly became awkward...we stopped talking for quite a while...sigh...irritating..then yesterday during the exco meeting...sigh...why am i always behaving weirdly in front of him? Even Mr Loh says that everytime i mention his name...i become unnatural and my tone will change...sigh...
And yeah...Promos...i've always believed that i flopped this exam...cos really,"his" face appeared on every single sheet of my question and answer paper laz...i cant concentrate at all...but then...it turned out that i did quite ok, even better than my CT...ok, cant really say better cos i havent got back GP, lit and hist but right now i have 2 Bs alr. one for art and one for math...which was really really good laz. And i promised sijie and ms chan and "him" that if i can get more 2 Bs and above, i will stay in photog..so..yeah..it seems i will be staying...duno it will be a good thing or a bad thing for me. But he got almost all As la..i feel so inferior! anyway...i juz hope...my other subj will turn out juz as fine...hist i did badly but somehow...i juz dun wana see any bad grades for hist...i want to get a C and is looking forward to a B...and Lit i think i juz want a C, GP...D and above? aiya, not so high...maybe juz a pass i will be happy alr.
sigh...why life cant be a bit simpler and easier to deal with??