grp photo again! hahaha...greenlink is juz a big happy family! smiles!:)

Im standing at a very dangerous place...really...at the back of the boat...but it's really cool to let the wind blow ur hair and it juz feel like "wow, i own the world" like that...coolzzz!!

haha...funny photo of mr heah again...i duno why...everytime i take his photo he turned put to be very funny looking...:P

yucks...cos it's gg to rain...so this extrmely long earthworm came out...i screamed when i saw it...then everyone laughed at me again! shit laz!

yaryar...this is the extremely huge caterpilla we saw last sunday in Ubin...scary!

the cocoon of the caterpilla that we saw last sunday...so amazing!

I think they are called the "staining bugs" or something, somehow, they stain the cottons...ha

the dog is eating my notessss!!!!!

i saw the toad while on my way hm...got frightened first...but later i decided to take a photo...photography helped me to overcome my fears...hehehe

Nature is juz cruel, no one can deny that...
went Pulau Ubin again...i did a horrible job while trying to introduce people to Artemisia, i did research but apparently, not very enough...never mind...shall do again. And i got another research to do....on Ubin's late village head Mr Lim Chye Joo who just passed away recently at the age of 101....
and yeah...mr heah and mr loh went there too, mr heah is very weird but i always think he dun like me. Cos i think my "rudeness" he cant take it ba. i dun really care, cos i also cant really take his weirdness.
and...karen, agnes, hankiet(spell wrongly i think...sorry) and i ate at Subway...it was very funny, we, the 3 girls, first time there, then we duno how to order...then very embarrassing, but hankiet is very nice, he helped us, but the waiter kept laughing at us...then later we met junying...haha...very funny...we juz kept laughing and laughing lazzzzz...until...hahaha...nvm...i think greenlink is really nice...going out with friends is really the most enjoyble thing on earth man!