Well, luck always seem to run dry whenever I need it the most, I got to relief 4 periods of pe classes, and to make the matter worse, I got 4B again. A class that i never want to step in in future. When I was even half way walking towards their classroom, i could see them swarming towards me, that very moment i felt like turning and running away from them. Later, I spent most of my energy trying to make sense to them that they cannot have their pe lesson because their pe tcher is on mc, i cant believe that sec4 students could be so immatured. anyway, reluctantly they returned to their classroom, and the moment i stepped into the classroom, i decided to ignore them, just like the way they ignored me, since reasons cant make them release who they are, what they should do, then may be silence could. and wow, it did work, to my wildest believes, it realli did work, they became much quieter, probably because they could not get any attention from me even if they do funny things, cos i am determined to treat them as transparent.
so, with these 2 periods, I happily completed 2 of my drawings...pencil drawings of flowers. Here they are...
Incomplete..to be continued
You know wad, finally i've come to realise the inseparable relationship between painting/drawing and me. It helps me to relief my stress and my unhappiness, and at the end of the day, after I've completed my work, nothing matters more than it, so i'll forget about all the unhappy and ugly stuff...i love art..that's all i can say.
So today is the Olevel release day, seeing the nervous students waiting for their results...it seems so familiar, just about 2 years ago, I was among the thousands of kids waiting for my olevel results and the trauma still stays in mind memories...I cant forget the disappointment that I've felt when i saw my results, I was among one of the better ones for prelims and i think im the only few ones who scored lower in Olevel than in prelim. Hope History wont repeat itself for my Alevels, but...history always repeats itself...sigh...what should i do if i dun score well?
BGSS did well this year, i cant believe that their physics(pure) is like, 77.8 percent distinction! wow, almost all subjects improved, art was...ehhh...30+% distinction? haha...good job BGSS! Keep up! :)
Asked mr low, he told me that DHS did very well, much better, better than our year.congrats dunman high!