Thanks to so many friends who came to see me off at the airport ysd..thanks to jon's map, thanks to junzhan senior's 'photo taking service', thanks to caroline for coming to the airport all the wayyyy frommm 'MARS" hahaha and thanks to xinying's lovely present, thanks to belinda's massage and thanks to victoria's little cute diary notebook! ahha,did i miss out anyone? hope not. I didn't cry, expected.
Caleb is just a failure senior, he was almost being brought to japan...what a big mistake. anyway, my luggage was way over the limit, thanks to the nice SIA officer who waived it for me and I have never felt so clever before. Instead of taking a taxi like everyone else who went to London, I decided to take a coach to Victoria Station and then take a taxi from there. Good views on the road, and much cheaper price, I spent 16Pounds inclusive of tips and those who took taxi, spent 60+ pounds. haha...and I got my room 59... a nice room...
Went to Slade to register, went to UCL to register and went to HSBC and went to buy a phone card. hmmmmm seems that everything's more or less settled now, i've got my booklist today and i've got my timetable...shall go look at it now and....arhhhh tmr's my first day of sch, the tutors and professors all wants to see me because I was the only person who is late, so they all wana "charge" my battery...im kinda scared of tmr.