mo needs to stay cool for a while...it seems like the right time....
problems after problems, it seems that I just can't stop worrying about things. Vsia, orientation, housing and on top of all these, the dread of having to start school in a foreign environment. It's really strange that i've been just sleeping and eating and meeting friends only these days but i feel so so so tired, like as if i've been working non-stop. all the mental torture...i'm experiencing what it is called as 'growing up'
if i hadnt been so naive and went to make the visa, i would have been on the plane to london right now, or maybe, have reached there. Suddenly it seems that life can be just a joke, what happens to us depends on just one single decision made by ourselves, and it's scary, come to think of it, cos, i have to make billions of decisions, big or small, in my entire life. one step goes wrong, every step that follows will bear the consequences. haiz...
okie, i do admit that all these things that happened these days made me even a more pessimist than last time. arh...i realised that i havent really smiled since....may be after the greenlink gathering last friday. i had a really good time, thanks to mr loh and the other greenlinkers, agnes and karen and jingjie and hongyi and connie and liting and hunkiat and myself, thanks for the present and the card. haha, must keep the "fake london photo" yeah..that's all, the highlight of my life (aft i came back from beijing and before i go off to london)
judging from what limin said, i am now starting to form quite a bad impression of the london hall's living condition, and, from my own experience, i have already formed a bad impression of the british working and processing system. yeah, so overall, i am unhappy about uk, london at least. Hope jon's trip to italy can chase away my unhappiness. arh...that jon, rather helpful little boy, haha, nah, not rather, very helpful.haha. thanks.
eh...may be i should just change my flight to 19th and fly with karen instead. haiz, arhhhh...and found out from jon that my hall isnt near ucl or slade at all. thanks to whoever whatever...i've ran out of my luck.
okie sijie...done as what u instructed.haha..haiz..arhhh..