Things that happened in these few days:
Shopping on Sat, bought a 毛衣 like top which cannot be described as 毛衣 but I can't think of any other things to call it. It also cannot be called as a top as it is very long, can reach all the way to my knees...a little bit above my knees or may be im just too short? anyway, yeah, something which costs quite a lot but I can't even make out what exactly it is, anyway, thanks to Singapore great sales.
Bought a new hp, thanks for my old one, its untimely death has just caused another of its comrades to suffer under the ruthless hands of wangmo. I never rmb myself being gentle to my phone for more than twice, and the very recent time when I was gentle to it was the night before it died (cause of death unknown, mo is unwilling to spent a 100 bucks on autopsy), what a good way to repay my kindness. I suspect that the cause of death is: it died of shock, may be it is too bewildered at my sudden gentleness..wadever. And I still rmb after my phone died, I used another phone for a while, same model different colour, and when I went for lunch with jy, somehow, it juz dropped out of my bag (okay, i admit that i swung the bag), it fell quite a distance away, and jy said "no wonder your phone died"...-_-'' please can they themselves be so fragile?

Anyway, the new phone, nokia 6500 is not pretty, and it is too modern for mo to understand its operations and capabilities, I am a cavewoman, yeah, too intricately complex. why do they have to make all the phones so complicated? And when i was happily choosing the phone, my mum juz simply told the person "give us the model that could withstand whatever violent actions a 20 year old girl could act upon it" what the hell, i bet the person is appalled by her words, how can a normal human being who has lived on this earth for 46 years and 7 months be able to talk in such a weird way? is she an alien? do i look like i have 暴力倾向? although none of my phones survived for more than 20 months, is that my fault? they are not well built okay!
Went shopping with my mum ysd, and wow, she made me buy, or rather, she bought me a winter suit top on her own will, i also duno how to describe it because i just don't seem to fit into it, it looks so grown up and business woman like. sighz...there goes my little delicate green flower dress...shit lah, listen to me, never go shopping with mums. they spoil our moods.
went for MOE psychological test on Mon, I was unsure about whether I should even go there in the first place because the promised 'follow-up email' which is supposed to inform me on the necessary details never came. SO i actually only has the info from the phone call, which are: 16/6/08 go for the test at 9am, near bouna vista. Oh my god lah, and anyway, being a responsible girl as always, i decided that i'd rather let the moe people 放我鸽子than to let myself 放他们的鸽子, so I arrived at MOE building promptly at 830am, looked for Nancy only to be told that SHE IS ON LEAVE!!! WAHHH!!! so there were 3 moe staff running crazily helping me find out if i am really sheduled on today, they are kinda nice, but all of them expressed deep concern on why i didn't know that it is at civil service college and not moe building, i had to repeatedly remind them that i did not get the email with details!!!
later...they asked me to go to CSC, where i waited for nearly 20min, the person came out to say that one stu decided not to come for today's test and moe just informed her, judging from her tone, she's as pissed with moe as me, and when i told her what happened to me, she readily "apologised to me on moe's behalf" i am amused, she was quick in telling me that moe did all the arranging, it has nothing to do with them when i didn't even bother to ask about all those things, i just want to get to do my test and get it done and over with. Then she told me that i have to ans 2 booklets and afterwhich there will be an interview -_-''' i never expected such things. anyway, a total of 158+58 questions were answered, do the math for me, i duno. I'm so sure that i got the math qns ( which have correct ans) wrong lah, who cares, the rest of the qn have no right or wrong ans, just like our personality test, i was being as true as possible, and i guess because of that, they are gonna have a hard time analysing my personality because i am a naturally contradicting person, i love being alone but i love to talk to friends, I love to do work alone cos i think is it more efficient but i dun mind working with others, i am very practical yet i love to daydream and imagine stuff, I hate people who break the rules and disregard the law but I do not like following rules and regulations all the time either...shit...sighz...
the interview was rather amazing, i was waiting for them in the interview room, i got too bored so i played car racing game in my hp, just when i was abt to win, they came in, spoilt my mood and i bet they saw me playing it. -_-'' and they are so formal, and making notes all the time, i told them lots of my secrets, like yelling at my teacher and stuff, hahaha, i dun want to be fake for this, wadever, hope moe wont change its mind after this. haha.
so...there goes my 3 days, absolutely not fruitful at all...