My shots today...

Blue Heaven


Oh well, here's the thing with photography, it makes people feel good. It has this strange magic, for every step we take, we are afraid of losses. And now, with my photographs, they serve as a testimony of my actions, my thoughts, of every step that I took. I felt as if I was writing down a history of my own today, marking down or recording my life using my camera.
So I went to the City centre, Stood beside the Merlion and watched the cargo ships and the containers. My mind was blank, I am feeling a little emo these days. Is it because that I know I will be leaving? May be the impulsion to go for a photoshoot was due to my longing for this city, my attachment for this place has made me feel a strong urge to take some of it with me.

I met karen, we sat down, we talked. Like always, like the old time, we had so much fun...Karen is just different, we could be different in terms of personalities but, we just seem to have so much to tell each other, so much to share, and today, after being close friends for four years and a possible 4 more years in close proximity...our friendship will by no means grow, because, by then, we will have so much memories together...I somehow just feel that she is one of the most important person in my life, so it is indeed that friends are the family we chose for ourselves.
Bought Birthday present for Mr Loh...a Parker pen..hope he likes it.
Had a very..thought provoking chat with one of my photog senior tonight...he makes me think through once more, on all the recent big decisions i've made...
zeminith says (PM 11:34):how do you feel about moving to london to study?
mo: says (PM 11:35):CONFUSED
mo: says (PM 11:35):haha
mo: says (PM 11:35):excited
mo: says (PM 11:35):emo
mo: says (PM 11:35):mixed feelings
zeminith says (PM 11:37):hmm
zeminith says (PM 11:37):how so?
zeminith says (PM 11:37):and compared to coming to singapore?
mo: says (PM 11:38):haha very diff, when i came to spore, i was too young to understand anything
mo: says (PM 11:38):it wasnt even my decision to come here
mo: says (PM 11:38):whereas now, it is my own decision to go to london
mo: says (PM 11:39):and also i am fully aware of what will be lost and what i will gain through this experience
mo: says (PM 11:39):but we humans always feel hard to leave our own comfort zone
mo: says (PM 11:39):don't we?
zeminith says (PM 11:40):hmm
zeminith says (PM 11:40):maybe
zeminith says (PM 11:41):some people are special
mo: says (PM 11:41):why and who?
mo: says (PM 11:41):haha
zeminith says (PM 11:42):you know about circular motion? you tie a ball to a string than you start spinning it in circles.
zeminith says (PM 11:42):when the string snaps, the ball will shoot out
zeminith says (PM 11:43):ay,sometimes feel that been walking in circles for a long time already mo: says (PM 11:43):sighz but it is life don't you see that?
zeminith says (PM 11:43):guess so
zeminith says (PM 11:47):what's your plans for the future?
zeminith says (PM 11:47):why london, and after that?
mo: says (PM 11:48):London, to be practical and realistic, I believe that it is safer and also, I prefer UK to US because I don't really like a too "freestyle" world
mo: says (PM 11:49):I need some restrictions, not that I like to be caged up but, you know, some traditional rules are not that bad
mo: says (PM 11:49):keep my mind in peace
mo: says (PM 11:49):as for why London, I came from china's capital, naturally i love capitals..haha..especially the ones with rich history
mo: says (PM 11:49):and it's near paris
mo: says (PM 11:50):On top of all these, it has good universities inside it
mo: says (PM 11:50):haha reasons good enough?
zeminith says (PM 11:50):aye
mo: says (PM 11:52):?
zeminith says (PM11:54):interesting
zeminith says (PM 11:54):london capital, a place with lots of history
and so we continued..
life..isn't always...( ) always uncertain
I am looking forward to a day..........( )
A day which I don't know when..........