The B&W photos by mo
The ones I like the most are the bicycle and flower+cloud photos. I like the contrast in the bicycle one and the lack of contrast(therefore, dreamy feeling) in the flower+cloud one. arhh, generarlly, i like B&W photos. But they could be much more interesting if I can use a manual camera to take them and develop in the darkroom, so muh more interesting.

Yes, that's me, looking lazy and confused and anything but hardworking. I went to slade at 1050am just to sign my name and then I took the tube back home for lunch, went to the bank to settle my address problem( they have been sending my bank statements to my spore address). Then I went back to Salde again, instead to trying to be hardworking and start painting, I decided to sit on the UCL main building and sun tan. It's very nice to be up there, and it feels extremely comfortable to be showered with the sunshines, really, i love UCL more than ever now. But I guess, I need to wear sun glasses and put on sun block, I think half of my face is more red than the other, or should I tan more of my the other half of my face tmr? I'll see about it.

Okay, this isnt a photo taken by me, it's from the net but the reason Im showing this is to tell you where i was sitting, yep, right up the stairs, right under the blue nude painting (extreme right one). least i think so, im gonna do it again tmr, it's so much better than the heater in the studio.
Finally, after wasting one hour with the sun, I finally decided to do something fruitful. And I went back to my studio to paint. I think I am a person who gets bored of things really quickly, I was tired and bored with the one that i was painting ysd, it wasnt finished, but I just don't feel like continuing it today. So I started off on a new painting, in the same series. it's background is about the old houses in beijing, I always love to draw/sketch/paint them.
getting onto the right track though the tapes arent really helping, I have no sense of what is called "straight"!
stopped. haiz...
I went to the Union to join the cubs today, paid 13BGP, I joined art, photography and spore society. I am aiming to join the exco in art and photography, cos the posts in art sounds interesting and as for photography, I want nothing but darkroom manager's post, I am really going to continue my 'career' as the darkroom manager, must try to reverse the "slack DM" image. Actually, sj can prove for me that i am quite hardworking when I was the DM in njps, just that, I got involve in too many outside DM's stuff, this time, my focus is just DM and DM alone
Went for the darkroom induction for UCL photogsoc, I was very on time, the darkroom manager Lorenzo was very pleased. I noticed that he brought a cup of coffee into the darkroom while telling me that no food or drinks are allowed in the DM at anytime, he winked at me, haha, well, all darkroom managers around the world are the same, haha, we are very easygoing casual people when it comes to art. haha.
everybody else was late, so he showed me ard the DM and asked why I was interested in Photography, after I told him what I did in nj, he immediately told me that I don't need an inducton anymore, haha, he's like saying 'you're off now, you know everything already!' haha, oh well, but I feel I need the induction, not everything's really the same as njps, like they have this really interesting entrance, they have the real huge sink and everything else, more high tech of course, and bigger. But one thing he told me is that, haha, like what we used to do in njps, they recycle their chemicals as well. I'm really excited about this UCLPS thing, I am all ready to embark on a new journey with them, perhaps, hopefully, a less jerky journey comparing to njps. haha, sj, you muz agree with me, don't you? haha.
I saw your blog today, I think you can go change course to somethin like, literature, language art, political science, photography, digital art...haha, all these but not math and econs, like what you are doing now. You are such an ARTISTIC person inside lah. I really love yourblog, the thing is that it always end up making me think ( u know how hard it is to make someone like me to really think, my brain lacks exercise), really deep thinkings. well, si jie, you muz jiayou! And I absolutely agree with you on the condolence letter thingy, it sounds like a letter to showoff their victory against the dead, sounds rather triumphant actually.
as for US election, OBAMA will win, yeah, haha, and the global recession, I always hear about it from the econs students', they are always talking about how hard it is to find an internship right now and things as such, and I rmb telling them somthing like "why are you guys the ones worry about not able to get a job when your friend here, is taking a course which hundreds of years ago, ppl who took her course almost all ended up starving??!" haha, yeah, i mean, artists, we are unemployed since like ages ago, haha, but we live in the idealistic world. that's why, i think I hvnt really feel much about this global recession yet.
followed by really bad dinner!
just about 2 or 1 hours before I typed this entry, the fire alarm rang and I was like what the helll!! yes, cos I was wearing my silk night gown, very little cloth type -_-''' and I had to follow the rest and run down the stairs and stand outside in the wind for like 15 minutes. I hate fire exercises, I hate them even more when they are at night, I hate them when i was in china, i hate them when i was in spore, and now, i hate them when im in london. I just had one fire alarm exercise in slade ysd when I was about to pee. haiz....they always come at the wrong time for me.