Oh, i did a little installation using the tree branches too, rather interesting.
Friday, October 03, 2008
long busy but fruitful days
Life has been busy, like always, now i've realised how much time i've wasted for the past 9months, i should have done something. Most of my classmates had either done their foundation at cambridge or other UK art schools. Currently I'm just trying to get started on something, anything, need to get familiar to painting first, and after that may be something else, I did a sketch of UCL main building and now am doing an acrylic piece, painting my grandmother.
Oh, i did a little installation using the tree branches too, rather interesting.

This was the slade year 2 interim show, the year twos had to do this exhibition. honestly speaking, i was really disappointed, i mean, the works, most of the works we saw seems to have no meanings or efforts involved or whatsoever, they also do not explain their works, i only fine less than4 interesting ones, hope i will be able to do better nxt yr.
because the rest are so bad, i kind find this one nice, but of course, comparatively.
this piece of installation is quite cool and i can see the effort that the artist put in, really, it's not htat i cant understand or appreciate contemporary or conceptual art, it's just that, im the kind who needs to see some efforts being put into the making process, really.
this piece is another one that i quite like, i rmb som old british ladies were exlaiming " this is absolutely fascinating!" and i was like, yeah, okay...looks good, hahhaa...
these two, above and bellow, are completely not understandable, simply complicated. Confusing i would say, i spent an average of 1s on each of these works.

arh...this one i quite like though the idea isnt new anymore, at least, it is a piece of figurative work

I Love this one, so cute and delicate and tiny! all the small cooking equipments and utensils, wow, so mini lah! but the sink is actual size, they actually have a mini fridge for it as well!
arh, british take beer as drinking water i guess, when we went for the show, there was this guy who stands at the door to give out beers, and there's nowater, only bear or wine..wow, and it tastes...so bloody bitter!

oh this is my sch lib, very old, as i was saying, i bet that evcery corner of this lib is dangerous and everything in this lib including the doors and tables and chairs is a fire hazard to me...hahaha...dusty as welll...looks like the harry potter movie's lib.
On my way home with some huge drawing papers, paper in london is ex!
I sometimes feel that the scenaries in London can be quite surreal at times, look at this and the nxt few photos, omg lah.

Oh, i did a little installation using the tree branches too, rather interesting.