I havent really had time to update my blog esp after i fell sick, it's kind of sad to fall sick within the first wk of arriving here. But it isnt all my fault, life's been really busy, art course isnt slack at all, I have to sign in to sch at no later than 10am EVERYDAY. And, the food here sucks lah, so unhealthy and sinful, and least the food in my hall is, im missing china and spore food like duno wad. And, the weather, really, in london, if it doesnt rain, i'd be happy like a bird but unfortunately, it rains likee 50% of the year and the weather can really get you very frustrated, it rains and stops and rains and stops this can happen a few times in a day. Moreover, the change in temperature when it rains is really drastic, the wind's very strong, I went to tate gallery with karen and shangyi them and on the way, it started to rain and wind became stronger, karen commented:" OMG, I THINK IM FLYING AWAY! and im like..."I'LL BE HIGHER THAN U IN THE AIR!"
really, the saddest thing when u are alone, overseas, is to fall ill. haiz...im very unfortunate this time, but i've learnt to protect myself, now im wearing my prepared winter clothes liao, duno what will happen to me in winter, but at least, i have to survive now to think about winter right?
I had a busy day today, 730 woke up for breakfast, 930am reached slade for weekly meeting with tcher, repainted grandma's portrait, then started a new piece of painting, went for life drawing( the nude drawings) then came back to finish up the new painting, it is more of less done, juz need a little bit of touch up, and went for head prof. john Aiken's lecture at 5pm. Im totally exhausted today...but i still have to prepare for tmr, i have tutorial with my tutor Peter Davis at 10am and I'm supposed to talk abt my work, his tutees comprise of the y2,3,4 and post grads, and only 2 undergrads are under him, im sweating now! shit...what to talk abt?!

my palette, it's a piece of art on its own!

gg to start on the new painting!

making outlines

colouring...i used palette knife to paint this time, a new approach

almost done~! can u see what's the thing that im painting?
repainted grandma's face

my first life drawing class, it was funny, the lecturers dun tell you that u muz go for it but then i feel strongly that i shld go, quite a fun experience, hope nxt time can get a male model. but i was juz wondering why the guy classmates in my class only drew/painted the breast and the...lower sensive part...only okay, not the whole body...hmmmm

went to central london with karen them on sat

my senior's exhibition, wah....talk abt that, that's a show put up by slade adn goldsmith yr2 students, and it is totally rubbish, i wonder if i will turn out to be like that nxt yr, i'd hate myself man! haha haiz...kk, go sleep le, tmr got many things to do arh