London is really different from singapore, haha, this was a sign board i saw at one of the crossing in London. Quite funny, jon was the one who pointed out actually. oh well, hope he enjoyed the stay in my pathetic little room, haha.
As I was saying 伦敦是个很奇妙的地方,这里的人有时懒散有时严肃,这里的景象缤纷多彩。有高楼,有大厦,也有古香古色的建筑。这是一个古老而优美的城市,在你不经意之间,常常会错过一些小小的美好。就好像这条小径,坐落在不起眼的地方,但只要我们细心留意,就不难发现这简单、素雅的美丽。
和我同住一宿舍的男生们,左:马来西亚男生zulian 右:北京男生贺兴达 many things happened, and I really wanted to blog abt them but somehow...time flew past at some...lightning speed or something.
school is getting sian, esp after i fell sick, but there's one kinda funny thing. I was supposed to have a lecture by a visiting artist in the morning on thurs, and when I reached sch, the lecture was canclled cos the lecturer was sick. And So i did my screen printing workshop, btw, it's really cool, the drying of the screen was inside this black coated drying box, much more high tech then nj, when we did it, lu yilin and yasmine chan practically blocked out the darkroom for the whole day, yeah, juz to dry up that small little silkscreen whereas here, it takes abt 15min for a pretty huge screen. okiee...back to the topic, yeah so i'm suppoed to have contemporary art lecture at 430pm by this artist called Dan Perfect. but when i returned after lunch at abt 2pm, a notice was put up saying "The lecture by Dan Perfect is cancelled due to serious family illness" and i was like "HUH!"
so I went to as my prof Ju, she was damn shocked when i told her that the lecture was cancelled and i heard her saying this to herself "huh, so Dan Perfect isnt that perfect afterall huh!" and i am VERY SURE that i bursted out laughing...haiz...haha...
yep, and that concluded my week as no more lessons's on fri and sat...i had my very first tutorial grp lesson with my personal tutor Peter Davis, he's this shy and tall and skinny man who's quite cute. Oh well, my grp is kinda boring, many people were late and after gathering everyone, Peter asked for people to volunteer to talk about his or her works, (we have to talk about our past and current works) and after a few tries with no one volunteering, he decided to go by the namelist and my heart suddenly sunk, yes I AM THE FIRST NAME ON THE LIST! so i guess i was pretty shoked by it and i took over his paper and checked, and double checked and triple checked and resigned to my fate. guess this action greatly amused peter davis, he became very cheerful and happy and started teasing me -___-...oh well, itshldnt be hte case as other grps all had the seniors start talking, in my grp, there's only 2 yr1s and the rest are yr3,yr4,yr5 and exchange students who are yr3...-__-''' anw, i had a pretty, rushed opening, explained my works...i guess peter likes my name, for the rest of the time, whenever a person explains his or her work, peter wld juz point at me and say "so, mo, what do you think about this piece of work?" or "hmm, mo seems to have something to say!yahoo!" and im like -____-'''''
haiz....i kinda of used all the vocab and all the art terms and all my imaginations, things like feminism, things like surreal, things like simultanerous contrast...blahblahblah...and worse of all, there's this guy who actually made a glove, yes! a very normal, ugly looking glove and I AM SUPPOSED TO COMMENT ON IT! and i was like, god, save me please!!! haiz...a very freaky tutorial, that's all i can say.
PS: i ponned sch on fri, but because of it, i forgot that my books are due on mon so im gona be fined, 30penny per book each day, and i have 4 overdue books. my wallet is feeling the pain :(