so 2day is nearly the end of this wk, i wana see how much i've completed from the list of "wad to dos"
1) i finished whtby's poem
2)i finished SYF write up
3)read the lit text" the lesson"
4) finished math hw but didnt revise
5)did the research on the bloody damn greek tragedy thing
6)half half for world hist....
however...there are many new things that came up so i did them first...
1) design poster for NJC art festival "Farrago"
2) design the movie ticket
3)design the logo
4) do the 4 frame shit art hw
5)pw PI all in all, i've done sth this wk, really! wahahaha!
but things left to be completed:
1) history essay
2) reasearch on greenlink -global warming
3)new math hw
4)research on Burma(but this one can wait, 8 may then present)
5) art noted..(not my fault, the bk and reasearched papers all with ms lu, cant do anything)
6) revise math and hist....and lit of course!