Also got this photo taken during o-level release day, i look horrible
seriously,now when i look back to my o-level reasults, it's really 不堪回首!Well, life is like that, not everything's gg to be nice...
im gonna work hard this year, really hard! Alevel is my last hope now, forget abt mr sng and mr lee, i think it's time for me to get real already. Mr sng and Mr lee already finished their educations and are both considered quite successful in their careers, and if im gg to carry on being infatuated with them im gg to end up no where! from now onwards , today, this second i hereby declare that im officially over mr lee and mr sng!
i shall get serious with my sch work now since i've slacked for the pass 4 months, doing nothing, learnt nothing, gained nothing...
4get about friends and anything leisure, forget abt everything that's not related to studies! i shall be两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书的书生!
my work list for this wk:
1) finish my South East Asian 2500 words essay on philippines's nationalist movement
2) finish math hw and revise all that i've learnt for math for the pass 3 months
3)compile my art notes and read thr them and finish the museum thing
4) finish the SYF write up thing
5)research on Burma, and know inside out abt the nationalist movements in Burma
6) finish analysing the poem mr whitby gave me, filled it up with words, and i mean it!
7)do the reasearch on the characteristics of greek tragedy and the function of the unusual aspects
8)read up and know inside out about the history and facts of cold war
9)finish 2 chinese essays
10) read the lit text: The Lesson and try to make some sense out of it
yeah, i think that's about it, 加油加油!