Well, i did this poster for the NJC art festival thing...first wk of May...the "Farrago" thing...then i do until i didn't even do my SEA essay on philippines!!!!!!! then today ms lu told me to REDO!!!!!wad the hell??? look nice then can already, why she so ma fan??? and the stupid illustrator hw! and the stupid photoshop shit thing! whywhywhy??? ok...shall not dwell on this question for too long or else i'll need the the mental hospital's hotline no. liao la!

and i cant believe this! tues timetable change to friday timetable which means i have 2 pe lessons consecutively!!!!oh my god!!!im not gona gg to survive it, my pe today was really horrible! 4 rounds around the track and all sorts of funny stretches as if im made of rubberlike that!but in the end it did made me feel as if i grew "longer" aft the stupid pe! when i go for pe that time it was damn sunny, so i prayed for the rain..and when i started running...i danced at the same time...(the dance that the african tribal ppl always try to do to pray for rain). I danced and ran...1st round....still sunny...i danced and ran...2nd round...there's wind coming...i danced and ran...3rd round...dark clouds showed...i danced and...finished dunning..."huahuahua..."it started raining!!!!!!i cant believe this!!!!it started raining the minute i finished running! what logic is this? the hell is god doing man???walao!!!!but im so sorry for the other class, they had to run in the rain! and it wasn't drizzles but downpour!!!! i'll surely get fever aft that lor!! cruel pe tchers! and tmr......i hope tmr never comes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And after pe my whole body was like, duno, made of duno wad stuff la, juz felt very heavy and for once im not that active and lively for GP. got back my GP work, i scored the top in class with a score of 7/10 when the average was 4!wahahaha! it was a "rewrite the sentence" excercise...
and got back pw PI roo, the tcher thinks that im too ambitious in the sense that i deal with a problem too big for me...this sounds formiliar...wait...mr low got say this before...when im deciding for my olevel course work theme...or maybe even earlier...cant rmb! whywhywhywhy? i spent so much time on it!!!!the hell is world turning man!!! im gona ...duno wad im gona do!!!