Friday, April 14, 2006

Mad wangmo and her mad teachers

ok, i finally finished my changed poster...duno whether it is good or not...but who cares, ms lu wont ever like any of my designs...sigh..when are we gg to start painting? i miss paint man! i dun think i can paint already, becoming rusty liao!and still got the stupid illustrator hw,why i install liao still cannot use?????? whywhywhywhywhywhy!!!!??????sigh...

yeah,i was quite busy for the past few days, but actually busy for nothing,didnt do anything useful or significant...but wed was quite a funny day, Math lesson only got me went for the lesson, so the tutorial became like only me and the teacher, how funny, like an one-one tuition class...haha, the rest went to the wrong class and my phone "died"-no batt, so cannot contact them...sigh...then yesterday i duno why i just dun feel like gg fot GP lessons so i just decided to pon the double GP, in the end for that whole day i only went for math and lit tutorial and one PW lecture...these are the things that can only happen in JCs, i cant imagine it happening in slack... pw PI is gg no where, still got no plan for my 2nd draft...and my tcher say photography is not visual arts! walao! the hell she knows abt visual arts man! cant stand these ppl who dun know art then still act as if they know. my pw tcher is an old woman, not so old la, middle age. She got some problems, she cant seem to be able to listen to others...whenever i want to say sth, she'll open her mouth...she dun let me explain wad's my proposal and she dun understand it and she juz keep saying things that are not relevant! and she really need to improve on her handwriting, write like 天书 like that, who can read????sigh...all teachers are mad, maybe in diff ways.
Mr Low(previous Art)--no need to say, very mad..not normal at all, shld be sent to mad ppl's hospital immediately...
Mr Lee(ARt)--mad too, an juz suddenly can be damn serious then suddenly can joke with u, and hor, he can just yell out of no reason, and call ppl "idiots" and call me "神经病"and "猪头饼"。。。
Mr Whitby(Lit)--wow, this one is really mad, unpredictable, when he teach he will make funny sounds, use funny puns, and even "act" out what he mean...and sometimes speak some weird British+Singlish accent Singalish slang like "zhina(china)"and things like that, somemore he knows how to cook, how to do make-up(i think he got a degree for it),how to do handicraft and knows embroidery also...what a talented,mad old man...(but he's damn good lit tcher)
Ms champagne(Lit)--she's got character...middle age woman, who likes modern literature and calls cambridge lit markers names cos she thinks that they are basically a bunch of old,stubborn,snoobish,old-fashioned,prim,stuffy animals who only regard shakespearean texts as real literature. They once said sth like:"there's no real lit text written aft 1930s." so wad are the poets and writters who wrote things btw the period of 1940s till now doing? and as for Ms champagne..her name is so mad, i wont be surprised if i ever get a tcher whose name is Ms Wine...
Ms Lu(Art)--whoa...this one is mad, really, got character...very independent youngwoman,and unpredictable and temperamental too. and she's got very punk fashion sense, got holes everywhere i think, not only on her ears...and her clothes are like...duno...u'll never find another one in the entire whole world. I suspect she design and made them herself,and art tchers are mad la...
Mrs Mary Lim(GP)--haha, this little old lady...67 liao still went for commonwealth game, representing passion...very active..madmad...haah!!!
Ms Suhaili(SEA History)--my civic tutor, SEA history tcher...she's not normal too, i think she believes in individualism, hehehe, if she happy then she come to sch, if she rmbs, she goes for lesson, but most of the time she dun feel like coming to sch and dun rmb to go for lesson, her attendence is almost less then 50%, mad mad...
Ms Chan(math tutorial tcher)--mad mad too, always on diff frequency, we ask abt this she answer abt that then we think she'll scold us for this thing in the end she scolded us for another thing...she's also middle age liao, she's been in NJC for more than 20yrs liao, sigh...i think when women grew old, they becomes detached from this world and live in their own worlds, cannot seem to understand a single thing we talked abt.and she always makes mistakes such as copied the wrong question..or minus wrongly or plus wrongly...and worse of all..the worksheets she gave us most of the time many answers are wrong, and sometimes she has to change to question too.(now she learnt the lesson...she dun put in answers liao)
Mr Chew(山羊胡子)(math lecturer)--he worse, the math lecturer, he every time talks abt the history of math. i rmb the 1st lecture he talked abt the hist of math, then 2nd he talked abt the hist of completing the squares, 3rd he tlaked abt the history of inequality...then no time to teach finish he juz rush thr. the really useful stuff...i hope the next lecture he wont talk abt the hist of differentiation...mad mad tchers

and of course im mad tooooo......