Tuesday, March 18, 2008

sat was a bad day, guess wad, I got a call from my supervisor, wow, spoiled my mood for the rest of the day.

lucky my dear d80 and mr loh made it up for me, mr loh came even when he had slight fever, 37.5. wow, i cant think of any other teachers who would be better than him. And d80 is really not bad, got a few nice shots there. but saw 2 super uper duper cool photographers with d300...wowowow...look at the huge lenses lahz.

went for nus open hse after that, so im settled on law or double degree with law and lky foreign policy or something like that. wahahahaha, i must be mad.

thanks mr loh, for ur parker pen present, it's very you, and i love it. I will so miss you if i happen to be ablle to go uk, but still, dun be so sure that i will go uk yet, and so, dun say goodbye that early.

I am becoming more and more confused of things eaach day...what is this?