went for BGSS sports day. The scale is quite small, can't compare to DHS sports day, we used to be at national stadium.
the banner that amanda and i did for ruby house..the best banner among all the houses!:)
the weather as no good, rained quite heavily for a while..
took a photo of the sky using special mode on my cam...not bad right?
the highlight of the day was the cheerleading competition. Well, not that the competition is fierce, the fact is that there's no competition at all, Ruby did such a great job. Mr muhammad is really cool, one man shouldered so many duties...all thanks to him
red ruby won, no surprise.
Amanda and I...cool?
me and the ruby mascot
went to the library...borrowed a few books to keep me company through the relief classes. "what will you sacrifice for love" guess i can be quite an interesting read as it's about love at nazi's time....I have decided to use the time for reading instead of scolding. Some students are simply beyond hope. for instance, i was made to help with discipline for class 1d on friday. then there were 4 students, trying to curse the hell out of me, thinking that i dun understand vulgarities, they started spilling out vulgarities in hokkien, cantonese, english and chinese.the funny thing is, they tried to curse me "you are a son of bitch!" and it took me a while to realise that they are targetting at me, not that my reaction time is slow, but really, i tot with my long hair and everything, i think it's pretty obvious i am a female.
then, they started to spit down, because their comp lab2 is directly above the hod room, they're trying to spit down and see when they'll hit the DM's head. how clever.
then today, my 2A class ate up my specimen sweets which are for them to refer and draw. sighz...my gosh...i cant imagine i was once a student too. guess i wasnt as hopeless as them back then.
today, i went to tell mr azahar abt my bday on 19th march, guess what he said? he's gonna throw a waterbomb party for me-_-'' that mentally unsound ss subject head who suffers from mild 'alzheimers' and 'parkinsons' disease is gona throw waterbombs at me. -_-''' sighz...sighz...what a cute and funny little hairy old man.
ark..im feeling really sian these days, nothing could possibly spice up my day. come on, helpppppp!!
and Alevels is coming out on fri. shit.