so...i got my results.
i still can't believe it, after all the hardwork, all these suspension...after the horrifying, disturibing and disappointing Olevels...I am finally happy and lucky for once.
Yes, I got STRAIGHT As...unbelievable. i must really thank mr loh, for his smiles, and...oh my..
on 7th march, karen, hongyi and i met up and went to nj together, we were all so nervous, little did we know at that time time all 3 of us are gona receive really gd results, i never thot that i was actually sitting beside the njc arts faculty's top scorer. yes, hongyi got 7 distinctions and is the top arts stu. i'm so proud of her!
and...i am most disappointed with my GP and NUS geopolitics, but...ark...nvm
anyway, it was a little bit funny when i couldnt find my name on the "3 H2 As" list and told my tcher it's either i received the wrong result or the sch printed wrongly, tcher led me to the 6 distinction board and pointed at my name. that was really embarrassing! and i was like...oh..okay...and...i duno...haha...
i went to see LSE professor at conrad hotel on sunday, wow, erm...well...i told him that i got a conditional offer from them, and he asked what did i get for my alevels and i told him str. As and he was and see you in oct in LSE...-_-'''but 3 seconds later, he asked "what other uni gave you offers?" and i said UCL and LEEDS and he was like "SO, which one are you going to choose?" then...I -_-'''..."LSE" and he said he's expecting that ans...yeah..right...but he was super surprised when i said that i might want to change course as he said that international relations is probably LSE's best course and he does not understand why i wana change...oh well...
now im gona be busy...hahaha..yes...yes...I bought a D80! with 2 kit lenses...1 18-70mm and the other is 70-300mm...and other things also lah..but i love the lens coooooolllllllllll