Had 8 periods again...drew a lion...not yet done but enough to recognise it as a lion...
cuiying was being stupid again. We were busy taking "facebook" quiz after school. And it turned out that we got similar results for every single quiz. gosh..the damn quiz thing must be screwed. And cuiying must be feeling very honoured now, to think that she shares similar traits as " Wang Mo the great I" haha..
Life has been...okay...oh, just found out that we wont be paid during the holidays. wow...then must well quit and go find another job. since we are quiting soon...oh shit..must see when cuiying quits, i shall make this a rule: cuiying goes, mo goes, cuiying stays, mo stays. yes...then we both wont be too bored without having the other to entertain... am i making sense? may be not, but who cares?
I marked the art stu's preparatory boards today, and to my amazement, i found myself a really strict marker. In a class of 14 people, i failed 7. and the other normal acad class was even worse. their peer marking average was 70++ and mine was 40++..mr muhammad defended my marking but later on, he keeps on reminding me that art tchers always do 'positive marking'...oops, i've been too negative i guess..but oh well..i did give one 83 marks wad...though my lowest was 13....well...i see too many good ones back in dhs and nj, havent got myself adjusted to their standard yet.,...
wellwellwell...finishing jeffery archer's "Kane and Abel" book soon, it's an awesome read. love it lots.