So he says:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2007 08:23:34 -0700
From: ***_********
To:; **_***@******.com
Wang Mo,
I know you are not happy with the 20 CIP hours that Ms Chan and I decided to give you. So i want to explain it to you as clearly as i can even though it wastes my time so that you don't have misunderstanding
First, i want to make it clear that i will only give you maximum 20 hours. If you want less, it is all up to you, i don't care. i have sent the soft copy to Ms Chan anyway.
Secondly, i want to tell you that I do not have the ability to monitor everybody during the Seminar camp and count the number of hours that they contribute to the community. If you have better suggestion of how to do that, please tell me. You are telling me to give everybody the number of hours fairly, but how so? You want me to make an estimate based on what? Remember, an informed guess is still a guess, there's no way you can do that fairly.
Please wake up from your idealistic world where everything is perfect. Maybe you who should be the one to learn about politics. The ideal world of fairness and equality sadly, or rather unfortunately does not exist at all.
Just to let you know, the 9 hours that i gave you initially was for designing the poster, not for attending. That's why when i consulted with Ms Chan she has agreed to give 20 hours instead. I did not change that because of complaint, i changed that because you all deserved more for attending although some of us did not do much.
Honestly, the CIP system in singpore is flawed in many ways. Not only does it encourage insincerity among our youth but i also found many problems about our CIP system. Believe me i've done research on CIP for my project work so i know very well about it. So the problem here does not lie with my 'poor working attitude'. The root of the problem lies in the inherent CIP policy. If you are not happy with that, go and complain to MOE.
Please give me a break. After one year of attacking me through the email, i think i have had enough. After all, i am no longer your president and i no longer take order from you (it is ironic but that was how things used to be), enough is enough. You can take that 20 hours or just bloody chuck it away.
Calculative you are yes. I'm sorry for my limited vocabulary but i really can't transpose that word. Please help me.
And so i repliedha, it's ironic that A02 student need a A03 student to help him transpose any simple English language. How ironic.
oh well, dun think i like to attack you, it wastes my time. And i've never given you "orders" before, i just made my views being heard, and it is your decision whether you want to follow, if you feel uncomfortable with it, it is your bloody fault, i did not force u, you are the pres and u are the one choosing to do what i tell you to, that's all. Dun try to push it to me.
I wont say i will do anything better than you if i were the pres because i've never been, but ,You being an incompetent leader is a bloody cold fact.
if you have read my email carefully which im sure u didnt, u will know that i am not not happy with the cip system, i simply dun give a damn, cos it is only useful when you need up to 100+ hrs, but i guess i did less than 10. Do i care? no i dun.
And lastly, if the seniors can count cip hours up to 1 decimal place, i dun see why you cant even give more variations, other than your 20 hrs, or 35 hrs. You are just being irresponsible, no escaping from that. it's not an attack, it's a comment.
and regarding this cip hours, you made it sound as if im desperate for it, it's ridiculous, i asked for it becos my ct wants the record, i am not happy with the hours not becos i want as many as possible, i want to cheat hours, i just want what i deserve, but according to your flawed values, it seems that 'someone trying to get what they deserve' is totally despicable.
i know u are busy mugging, as if you are the only one taking Alevels, as you are the only one needing a future, as if taking 20min from your life is as good as killing you, for the whole yr, in your mind it's you and you only, selfish you are, yes, because you simply dun give a damn to others. And dun made it as if im calculative when you came to ask for your pathetic 2 hrs of greenlink cip for a billion times. who's more calculative? you jolly well know the answer.
yes, i dun need that bloody 20 hrs, or 9 hrs or anything, it feels disgusting, as if im begging from you, ha ha, yeah, you can jolly well take it and chuck into ur bloody mouth to prevent it from shooting out any bloody unreasonable excuses.
Wang Mo
seriously, typing this reply is a waste of my time.