Jay Chou's new movie...well...i dun really like him but im quite interested in the movie's content, sort of coincides with my course work idea..and what's more...the english title for the movie is...SECRET!! how appropriate!!!...hmmm...:)
Recently im easily angered. I duno why, feel very irritated with everyone else including even myself. Well, i got very very pissed with jiayi, for no specific reason, oops, no, there is a reason but i shall not tell other people. But somehow, things are changing, now, no matter what he does, i feel like scolding him. And...yeah...but still, im trying my best not to show my hostility, afterall, i need to take photos of him for my course work...may be...may be it's because im no longer liking him? hmmm...i doubt so...but the feelings might have just changed. And...im really pissed that he always take me for granted, things that i gave him, things that i do for him, all the compromises and all the supports...he took them all without reciprocating a single bit. sigh...im a failure right? haha...not that im expecting anything concrete, but at least treat me a little bit nicer? not like anyone else, not like showing me the "im tolerating you" face all the time? well...oh welll...
hmmm...whitby's lesson this morning was scary, i think im developing a certain kind of phobia towards him. Really...probably because of my poor performance in lit? It's the only subject that i doubt i will get anything near an A or a B for Alevels...wah...worrying man!
oh....hoho...met cheryl on the corridor near darkroom...and talked to her...she's really a funny junior...haha...like me...hahaha...im a little be worried for her...and also...oh well...how are we gona face each other if things become worse btw jy and i in future?...considering that she's good friends with both of us?....oh...shit....
aiya...work hard la...havent done my SEA hist SBQ...shit.....shittttt...im so screwed....and i feel so lonely and stressed now...so lonely...had a bit of a small quarel with karen, it wasn't even a big thing. But i think the understanding that was developed btw the 2 of us 4 yrs ago is slowly diminishing...how sad...arhhhh...i hate dealing with people now...it's my problem i guess...i should just go and live on some island....and reflect on myself???