恋 分类:孤单的日子
这么小 谈什么恋爱哦
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
I have secured an overseas scholarship, but i am not very sure if I should take it up. SO in the mean time, I should not tell you which scholarship it is...sighz...i am struggling to make the decision. Decision making is always tough, especially for someone at a very young age. But this is life isn't it? haha..interesting.
"One day all the employees reached the office and they saw a big notice on the door on which was written: 'Yesterday the person who has been hindering your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral in the room that has been prepared in the gym'.
In the beginning, they all got sad for the death of one of their colleagues, but after a while they started getting curious to know who was that man who hindered the growth of his colleagues and the company itself. The excitement in the gym was such that security agents were ordered to control the crowd within the room.The more people reached the coffin, the more the excitement heated up. Everyone thought: 'Who is this guy who was hindering my progress? Well, at least he died!'. One by one the thrilled employees got closer to the coffin, and when they looked inside it they suddenly became speechless. They stood nearby the coffin, shocked and in silence, as if someone had touched the deepest part of their soul.
There was a mirror inside the coffin: everyone who looked inside it could see himself.There was also a sign next to the mirror that said:
You are the only person who can influence your happiness, your realization and your success.
You are the only person who can help yourself.Your life does not change when your boss changes, when your friends change, when your parents change, when your partner changes, when your company changes.
Your life changes when YOU change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs, when you realize that you are the only one responsible for your life.
"One day all the employees reached the office and they saw a big notice on the door on which was written: 'Yesterday the person who has been hindering your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral in the room that has been prepared in the gym'.
In the beginning, they all got sad for the death of one of their colleagues, but after a while they started getting curious to know who was that man who hindered the growth of his colleagues and the company itself. The excitement in the gym was such that security agents were ordered to control the crowd within the room.The more people reached the coffin, the more the excitement heated up. Everyone thought: 'Who is this guy who was hindering my progress? Well, at least he died!'. One by one the thrilled employees got closer to the coffin, and when they looked inside it they suddenly became speechless. They stood nearby the coffin, shocked and in silence, as if someone had touched the deepest part of their soul.
There was a mirror inside the coffin: everyone who looked inside it could see himself.There was also a sign next to the mirror that said:
There is only one person who is capable to set limits to your growth: it is YOU’You are the only person who can revolutionize your life.
You are the only person who can influence your happiness, your realization and your success.
You are the only person who can help yourself.Your life does not change when your boss changes, when your friends change, when your parents change, when your partner changes, when your company changes.
Your life changes when YOU change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs, when you realize that you are the only one responsible for your life.
'The most important relationship you can have is the one you have with- Author unknown -
"The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while
we live."
- Norman Cousins -
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008

If something or someone is stagnant, if fatigue or inertia or indecision have a hold, if movement is needed for well being and nothing has come to start the flow or end the flow, praise that something or someone. Praise it out loud. Praise her out loud. Praise him out loud. Offer up a hand or a lift by finding something good, anything good, about the circumstances or person in question. Declare that goodness out loud. Declare it like life itself depends on it. Because life itself just might.
Speaking something positive, with sincerity, changes the atmosphere surrounding a stagnant situation. It shines a light in the darkness, eases fears and relaxes a closed heart. If a plant is suffering, tell it how beautiful it is. Kiss it when no one is looking. If a woman is depressed, tell her how much she is needed. Tell her specifically why you love her. If a man is dying, tell him everything you know about his value and his valor and his contributions to the world. Ease him back into life or release him from life with praise.
Everyone and everything is hard-wired to respond to the energy of love. All situations are made better when love is let loose through words of praise, when recognition of value and worth are declared. We all need that caress, that life-affirming hug, of knowing we make a difference. Knowing we matter. To someone or something.Let's not be stingy with praise. Let's look around, see where the lights are low and offer up spoken words of love. They cost nothing, but their value is priceless. Let's initiate positive flow, let's dare to make each other feel valued, let's light the world with our words.Be praise and praise be.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Photos in BGSS...
Mr Muhammad's present for me...soooo swwweettt.... :)
Mr Muhammad did reflections with me...heehee
a very nice lady :)

"If I am breathing, every moment is precious.
Every moment is important.
Even the darkest ones. But in questing to open my heart, there are now moments where God steps in, quiets my mind, and awakens my Soul to receive. These are the perfect moments."
Today, is my last day in BGSS and my inner spirit is tired. Too much memories and shards of small grief have worn me down. I'm not fond of being worn down. I prefer to be lit from within by wonder and discovery. I prefer to feel rested and ready to welcome the gifts of each day. I prefer the pulse of creative verve in my veins.
I feel that I am blessed with perfect moments recently. Short spans of time and no time that come upon me suddenly and leave kisses of grace on my heart. These moments are brief. These moments are unexpected. But the beauty and fullness of fleeting, perfect flashes lies in my fairly new ability to recognize them. I'm quite sure I've been privy to these moments my whole life, but the effort I've put into opening my heart has cleansed my lens of awareness, and recognition is now swift.
What I am in the midst of is a shift. Effort in one direction has ended. The pause has arrived. Possibilities are floating into view, but I'm too tired to act on them. For the moment. Flowers and birdsong, decorating notebooks and blogs, ice-cream and cupcakes all call my attention and remind me...the energy of YOUTH will come back to me. Rest a few days, eat well, drink water and the self-revival will rise. Rest, and the spark will be lit. Rest, give energy and love back to myself and my heart will feel at home. Or so I hope.
I. am. overwhelmed by work or grief or the uncertainty of having to let go of the known or unknown, rest.
There comes a point in every life, I hope, when the reasons and excuses and fears to hold back wilt in the mind. There comes a point when it is suddenly pointless to remain in the shadows, to deny dreams and to keep the lid on creative forces that can change your world for the better. There comes a point when you must simply bloom.Pain and grief and exhaustion often bring the reasons for self denial into the grimy, filmy light. You look at them and think, "what the hell am I waiting for"? "Who the hell cares anymore for opinions and consequences? It's my life, dammit, I can do what I want and be who I want".
The pivotal point in a life can come at 12, at 16 at 18, 20, at 40, at 81 and a half. It does not matter when it comes, just as long as it arrives before your last breath shudders out of your lungs. Because freedom rides on the petals as they fall open in bloom. Freedom rides the thoughts and actions that burst the bonds of self-restraint and self-imprisonment. Freedom lies in your choice to live the life you deserve. And you deserve the taste of freedom.
So go to London. Write the fiction book. Fall in love. Be a photojournalist. Get the loan. Walk away from toxic people. Learn to sail. Finish the degree. Open my heart and so what if gets trampled. Open it again. Make this moment or the next moment or 14,532 moments from now the point that pivots my dreams into reality. So I tell myself...
Do not hold back forever. I don't have forever. Bloom soon. Bloom now.
Today is the day I end a short chapter in my life. Today is the day I sow the seeds for a new beginning. Today is the day I reflect. Today is the day I care not for time.
My time pieces are either taken off walls, turned around or covered up. Because I am exhausted from rushing, rushing, rushing through my days and my life. Rushing to meet expectations and obligations. Rushing to be someone I am not. Rushing to please all others but myself.Enough.
Enough, I say.
Enough, I say.
Today I exist in my own time. I eat, sleep, create, speak or not when I wish to. Let the sky be my clock. Let my heart lead the way from one intrigue to the next. Let me be simple. Let me lie on the floor and stare at nothing. Let me rest in the freedom of no time at all.
Today I live without clocks. Today I surrender all effort. Today I live.

On a side note:
The thing about love.
The question is not whether jy likes me or not. The question is whether I am prepared to love him the way he deserves to be loved. The question is whether I have poured enough love into my own heart, my own being to be filled to overflowing. It is the overflow, the more-love-than-I can-possibly-use-for-myself that will create the lake of love for him to swim in.
There was a saying:
A girl's love is a gift. Her love is a grail. Her love is the jeweled chalice that receives the purified elixir of the heart in touch with itself. The heart that knows love starts at its own center and ripples outward. The heart that honors itself first, knowing from experience how best to honor another heart with love.
So, the question is never whether the love without is enough. It is always whether the love within is enough. If it is, if there is love to spare and share and fill the lake, there is no question.
And...today I live without love.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
It's been days since I last updated this blog. I don't know why, I just don't feel like writing anything. Life is still busy, way busier than I ever imagined. I thought, it will be better now but it seems not.
I am going to end this internship tomorrow, after 5 months of suffering, finally i am ending, and it's strange how i began to actually like some parts of this school when I am going to leave here. The thing is that, I am still unhappy about most parts of it and i don't regret resigning but...the thought of being able to teach little henry art is kinda fun. He is this 1/3 boy who looks like jy and i think he has a better personality than jy as he's always smiling and laughing, happy go lucky yet serious about his work. that's the kind of triat that im looking for in a guy, not like someone who is always frawning as if the sky is going to drop the next moment. I will feel very stressed being together with him.
Ysd I went for zaobao wenhuaying, the experience of being the station master is not bad but it's kinda sad that i din get to go into water very often...anyway, wildwildwet is not very exciting, soooo...oh but...no handsome fit guys to see also... I lost my watch there, wad a sad thing, I am damn pissed off cos that watch is a present from carol, tiff and turtle for my 20th birthday, felt really sorry to them. But, I witnessed the most romantic confession, junzhan senior finally decided to do something to his "long time secret love girl"...ysd was fangda's birthday, and jz brought out such a romantic cake with candles forming a heart shape and little...oopss...i duno wad's that...fireworks? sighz..im kinda bad at descibing...other than choking us and the room with smoke, jz had done a great job this time...however, his inability to express himself caused him to be unable to really..."get her" by ysd...but from what i observed, sooner or later they'll be together...wow...so damn cool...and i feel so damn sad for myself...sighz...
and...since i've passed their interview, i will be going to singapore press holdings and be an intern from...probably nxt month onwards. sounds cool, they say they will put me in news room...i wonder what kind of news i am going to cover but for now...i just want a break, a short break will do..im kinda exhausted at the moment.
and....she ying dui people told me that montage result is out and to my surprise, NJ DID NOT WIN THE SCHOOL SCHALLENGE! or should i say that i half expected it? i duno, the deadline for submission somehow, fell within their ct days and i won't believe that they will put aside studies and care about this competition, oh well, studies is important lah of course, but i guess they lacked the ability to juggle both at the same time...tsk tsk....all the more i am impressed with myself and ian and si jie and yixian for being able to pull through and having done so much without ruining our Alvl...heehee...oopss...i should be sad now...and i think i am... a little bit may be.
anddddd...im pissed, how can they let me relieve ms loy's class? i have told them a million, no, a trillion times that I. DO. NOT. WANT. TO. HAVE. ANYTHING. TO. DO. WITH. THAT. HORRIBLE.IDIOTIC.EGOSTICAL.OLD.UGLY.WEIRD.IMMORAL WOMAN! fine fine fine...since they did that, i have no choice but to.......hahaha...join in with the students and bitch about her together...hahaha...she must be really a bad teacher i guess, all her students hate her, if not, loathe her...haha...i went into both of her classes...wow...they are soooo anti-loy lah...haha...oh well...i am really openly and secretly happy about this...how can one make all her students hate him/her? ans: behave like loy and you will succeed without efforts. wohhohohohoho...
arkkk...art class outing or gathering...duno if i should go, i duno...may be i wont go...
I am going to end this internship tomorrow, after 5 months of suffering, finally i am ending, and it's strange how i began to actually like some parts of this school when I am going to leave here. The thing is that, I am still unhappy about most parts of it and i don't regret resigning but...the thought of being able to teach little henry art is kinda fun. He is this 1/3 boy who looks like jy and i think he has a better personality than jy as he's always smiling and laughing, happy go lucky yet serious about his work. that's the kind of triat that im looking for in a guy, not like someone who is always frawning as if the sky is going to drop the next moment. I will feel very stressed being together with him.
Ysd I went for zaobao wenhuaying, the experience of being the station master is not bad but it's kinda sad that i din get to go into water very often...anyway, wildwildwet is not very exciting, soooo...oh but...no handsome fit guys to see also... I lost my watch there, wad a sad thing, I am damn pissed off cos that watch is a present from carol, tiff and turtle for my 20th birthday, felt really sorry to them. But, I witnessed the most romantic confession, junzhan senior finally decided to do something to his "long time secret love girl"...ysd was fangda's birthday, and jz brought out such a romantic cake with candles forming a heart shape and little...oopss...i duno wad's that...fireworks? sighz..im kinda bad at descibing...other than choking us and the room with smoke, jz had done a great job this time...however, his inability to express himself caused him to be unable to really..."get her" by ysd...but from what i observed, sooner or later they'll be together...wow...so damn cool...and i feel so damn sad for myself...sighz...
and...since i've passed their interview, i will be going to singapore press holdings and be an intern from...probably nxt month onwards. sounds cool, they say they will put me in news room...i wonder what kind of news i am going to cover but for now...i just want a break, a short break will do..im kinda exhausted at the moment.
and....she ying dui people told me that montage result is out and to my surprise, NJ DID NOT WIN THE SCHOOL SCHALLENGE! or should i say that i half expected it? i duno, the deadline for submission somehow, fell within their ct days and i won't believe that they will put aside studies and care about this competition, oh well, studies is important lah of course, but i guess they lacked the ability to juggle both at the same time...tsk tsk....all the more i am impressed with myself and ian and si jie and yixian for being able to pull through and having done so much without ruining our Alvl...heehee...oopss...i should be sad now...and i think i am... a little bit may be.
anddddd...im pissed, how can they let me relieve ms loy's class? i have told them a million, no, a trillion times that I. DO. NOT. WANT. TO. HAVE. ANYTHING. TO. DO. WITH. THAT. HORRIBLE.IDIOTIC.EGOSTICAL.OLD.UGLY.WEIRD.IMMORAL WOMAN! fine fine fine...since they did that, i have no choice but to.......hahaha...join in with the students and bitch about her together...hahaha...she must be really a bad teacher i guess, all her students hate her, if not, loathe her...haha...i went into both of her classes...wow...they are soooo anti-loy lah...haha...oh well...i am really openly and secretly happy about this...how can one make all her students hate him/her? ans: behave like loy and you will succeed without efforts. wohhohohohoho...
arkkk...art class outing or gathering...duno if i should go, i duno...may be i wont go...
Friday, May 16, 2008

This blog will be closed soon...
Thursday, May 15, 2008
My NUS Montage submission...not very good but i have bo time to really go out and take photos

The Cat
Have you ever looked into the eyes of a cat so intensely before? If you did, then perhaps you will be able to understand the fear and anger they feel towards man. So what is it that had caused the tension between the cat and us? Let’s all reflect inwards and perhaps, if we are sincere enough, we will be able to find the answer along the way.

One day, when we wake up, we’ll probably find ourselves being confined within a space by barbwires. Everywhere else seems so quiet and peaceful except for our hearts, which we know are screaming for freedom. Those being deprived of freedom will eventually break free of the restrictions and be liberated. But for now, the tension remains.

When one fights to arrive at a breakthrough for him/herself, the struggle and sufferings can only be understood by the individual. The tension between the old body and new self will result in conflict. Whichever one emerges victorious, the other will be destroyed. Just like this spider; if it fails to escape from its old skin, it will be dead but if it succeeds, the old skin shall be discarded. From this we see the sacrifice and danger one has to take on in order to move forward, literally and metaphorically.
Have you ever looked into the eyes of a cat so intensely before? If you did, then perhaps you will be able to understand the fear and anger they feel towards man. So what is it that had caused the tension between the cat and us? Let’s all reflect inwards and perhaps, if we are sincere enough, we will be able to find the answer along the way.

One day, when we wake up, we’ll probably find ourselves being confined within a space by barbwires. Everywhere else seems so quiet and peaceful except for our hearts, which we know are screaming for freedom. Those being deprived of freedom will eventually break free of the restrictions and be liberated. But for now, the tension remains.

When one fights to arrive at a breakthrough for him/herself, the struggle and sufferings can only be understood by the individual. The tension between the old body and new self will result in conflict. Whichever one emerges victorious, the other will be destroyed. Just like this spider; if it fails to escape from its old skin, it will be dead but if it succeeds, the old skin shall be discarded. From this we see the sacrifice and danger one has to take on in order to move forward, literally and metaphorically.

The Challenge from another Species
Since the beginning of mankind’s dominance of Earth, the tension between human and animals never ceases. Often we see the cruelty man display towards the animals and rarely do we encounter any sort of retaliation or challenges coming from their side. So now, in a rare scenario of the man versus the crab, will Man emerge as the undisputable victor again? I wonder when the time for man to realise their vulnerability will come.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
我以为我会哭 但是我没有
我以为我会报复 但是我没有
啊! 一段感情就此结束
啊! 一颗心眼看要荒芜
若曾真心真意付出 就应该满足!啊!
多么痛的领悟 你曾是我的全部
多么痛的领悟 你曾是我的全部
只愿你挣脱情的枷锁 爱的束缚
任意追逐 别再为爱受苦
我以为我会哭 但是我没有
我以为我会报复 但是我没有
啊! 一段感情就此结束
啊! 一颗心眼看要荒芜
若曾真心真意付出 就应该满足!啊!
多么痛的领悟 你曾是我的全部
多么痛的领悟 你曾是我的全部
只愿你挣脱情的枷锁 爱的束缚
任意追逐 别再为爱受苦
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
I should have known that this kind of thing will happne. JY is not a person who does not make mistakes, even si jie will. But the thing is, si jie had mo, and mo had si jie, haha, we do proof reading for each other before sending out mass emails. well...it's good to have a good friend in your exco. if si jie weren't there with me last year, i dont think i will be able to survive, would have quitted long ago.
and..i rmb jy saying that he will organise a national photography competition by march this year. oh well, not that sj and i believed that he'll actually do it, but really, at i was hoping that he'll prove us wrong and then go ahead and do it, untilllllll...oh haha..until i heard that even regular sessions of activities were even cancelled, and also, outings are as unsuccessful or even more unsuccessful compared to our batch. at least, our batch the excos (except jy) will go. But i probably know the reason why jy din materialise his words. I think he wanted it to happen, but in order for something to happen, time and efforts have to be put in, nothing is for free, and one person alone cant do everything, and i guess this year's exco kinda seem to focus on their own things much more than other things. The passion isnt there. At least for our batch, im not sure abt ian and yx, but liang, sj and i are rather passionate, but unfortunately, we shared different visions for the club and all the clashes and conflicts caused us to be rather disillusioned towards the end.
yeah, jy has the habbit of putting everything on himself, good or bad, all the work. He thinks that if he lets others do it, they might create more troubles, which is true to a certain extent of course, we always trust ourselved more than we trust others. But if we over work ourselves, we wont be able to ensure the efficiency. yeah. must learn to let go. and i believe that the job of the pres is not to care abt all the little details but to bond the club, make sure that every exco will be contributing to the club, training every exco to become a specialist in their own field and let them plan, prepare things within there scope of responsibilities, that will be able to ensure the overall efficiency of the club. yeah, so, pres is really important. sighz...but of course, im in no position to say much about it since i was never a pres? haha, probably i dun understand how they felt, but this is wad i feel ( after trying to put myself in their shoes...)
but for now, aiya, concentrate on CT first, it's kinda a bad timing. sighz, but one must know when to focus on what. I smsed jy today and told him what i think, he din reply, so i guess he knows what he should do, haha, yeah, im being busybody..well...good luck to him.
And as for mufeng, well, you have to accept that this kind of thing always happen in ps, jy is not the only who'll make mistakes. haha, ian was worse last year, try not to get agitated by this, not that worth it. haha,and that ic guy...oh well.. rumours always fly around one lah, and rumours will only remain rumours as long as you keep cool.事实胜于雄辩 yeah, after a while it will be gone lah, i know it is irritating, and like, 'you like him' indicating u initiated makes u feel kinda really hurt ur pride...but then who the hell cares? i know u wont fall for such taste de ren de, haha, he's not good enough for you :P, in fact, i think very few are good enough for my little pretty cute and smart and "hot tempered" junior...haha...they'll eventually learn to not to test ur limits...haha..so for the time being, focus on ur H3 STaR and aiya, ps is a small thing lah. and as for PSexco,im not sure if i shld say this but, DO CONSIDER CAREFULLY. dont make a choice that will make you regret later, well, ian, sj and i are living examples. we became the most unhappy ps exco...haha...yeah, just think whether u want and if you can shoulder all those responsibilities and work with the rest. And, i think your hot temper is short changing you lah, try not to show so much emotions in front of people, try to hide them a bit, so that you wont be judged as irrational, rash or emotional. trust me, i've been through it, not a good reputation to live with, haha, yeah, it kindas even affects me now as im working. yeah, you are a smart, hardworking, prideful and pretty girl, a great future lies ahead of you and so dun let such small tiny things such as bad temper obstruct your way to greatness. yeh? oops...i sound so serious,haha, but in any case, try to understand jy a bit too, he's under loads of pressure lah, though i myself always hate or dun wana understand him, i have to say that it's not fair to push all the blame on him lah. and wadever happens mufeng, if really u felt '委屈' or wana talk to people, im always here, haha, can call, sms, email or ask me out de...i'll try my best to help...haha...if ppl bully you, i will go kick their ass for you :)... ( but not jy, i am bloody scared of himwahahahahahahaha)
right now im enjoying my life in bgss, yeah, had yoga in the morning. and...i had a nice breakfast session with them, and then with the art department, and we had department photo taking session, really cool. and...marking is boring, but one stu got 19/25, i was so happy! haha...and monday a big shot's gona come, to art room somemore...and...monday will be my interview...aiya...and...hahaha...i must go finish marking the essays...im so screwed...deadline deadline deadline!
OH...BY THE WAY this is the blog i created for BGSS elearning day for art: http://bgss-art-forum.blogspot.com/
haha...the comments of the stu are really quite cute...yehh..i feel a sense of accomplishment!!!! heehee...:P i wrote the instructions leh!!!!! :P
mo is just good....
im ms wang
and..i rmb jy saying that he will organise a national photography competition by march this year. oh well, not that sj and i believed that he'll actually do it, but really, at i was hoping that he'll prove us wrong and then go ahead and do it, untilllllll...oh haha..until i heard that even regular sessions of activities were even cancelled, and also, outings are as unsuccessful or even more unsuccessful compared to our batch. at least, our batch the excos (except jy) will go. But i probably know the reason why jy din materialise his words. I think he wanted it to happen, but in order for something to happen, time and efforts have to be put in, nothing is for free, and one person alone cant do everything, and i guess this year's exco kinda seem to focus on their own things much more than other things. The passion isnt there. At least for our batch, im not sure abt ian and yx, but liang, sj and i are rather passionate, but unfortunately, we shared different visions for the club and all the clashes and conflicts caused us to be rather disillusioned towards the end.
yeah, jy has the habbit of putting everything on himself, good or bad, all the work. He thinks that if he lets others do it, they might create more troubles, which is true to a certain extent of course, we always trust ourselved more than we trust others. But if we over work ourselves, we wont be able to ensure the efficiency. yeah. must learn to let go. and i believe that the job of the pres is not to care abt all the little details but to bond the club, make sure that every exco will be contributing to the club, training every exco to become a specialist in their own field and let them plan, prepare things within there scope of responsibilities, that will be able to ensure the overall efficiency of the club. yeah, so, pres is really important. sighz...but of course, im in no position to say much about it since i was never a pres? haha, probably i dun understand how they felt, but this is wad i feel ( after trying to put myself in their shoes...)
but for now, aiya, concentrate on CT first, it's kinda a bad timing. sighz, but one must know when to focus on what. I smsed jy today and told him what i think, he din reply, so i guess he knows what he should do, haha, yeah, im being busybody..well...good luck to him.
And as for mufeng, well, you have to accept that this kind of thing always happen in ps, jy is not the only who'll make mistakes. haha, ian was worse last year, try not to get agitated by this, not that worth it. haha,and that ic guy...oh well.. rumours always fly around one lah, and rumours will only remain rumours as long as you keep cool.事实胜于雄辩 yeah, after a while it will be gone lah, i know it is irritating, and like, 'you like him' indicating u initiated makes u feel kinda really hurt ur pride...but then who the hell cares? i know u wont fall for such taste de ren de, haha, he's not good enough for you :P, in fact, i think very few are good enough for my little pretty cute and smart and "hot tempered" junior...haha...they'll eventually learn to not to test ur limits...haha..so for the time being, focus on ur H3 STaR and aiya, ps is a small thing lah. and as for PSexco,im not sure if i shld say this but, DO CONSIDER CAREFULLY. dont make a choice that will make you regret later, well, ian, sj and i are living examples. we became the most unhappy ps exco...haha...yeah, just think whether u want and if you can shoulder all those responsibilities and work with the rest. And, i think your hot temper is short changing you lah, try not to show so much emotions in front of people, try to hide them a bit, so that you wont be judged as irrational, rash or emotional. trust me, i've been through it, not a good reputation to live with, haha, yeah, it kindas even affects me now as im working. yeah, you are a smart, hardworking, prideful and pretty girl, a great future lies ahead of you and so dun let such small tiny things such as bad temper obstruct your way to greatness. yeh? oops...i sound so serious,haha, but in any case, try to understand jy a bit too, he's under loads of pressure lah, though i myself always hate or dun wana understand him, i have to say that it's not fair to push all the blame on him lah. and wadever happens mufeng, if really u felt '委屈' or wana talk to people, im always here, haha, can call, sms, email or ask me out de...i'll try my best to help...haha...if ppl bully you, i will go kick their ass for you :)... ( but not jy, i am bloody scared of himwahahahahahahaha)
right now im enjoying my life in bgss, yeah, had yoga in the morning. and...i had a nice breakfast session with them, and then with the art department, and we had department photo taking session, really cool. and...marking is boring, but one stu got 19/25, i was so happy! haha...and monday a big shot's gona come, to art room somemore...and...monday will be my interview...aiya...and...hahaha...i must go finish marking the essays...im so screwed...deadline deadline deadline!
OH...BY THE WAY this is the blog i created for BGSS elearning day for art: http://bgss-art-forum.blogspot.com/
haha...the comments of the stu are really quite cute...yehh..i feel a sense of accomplishment!!!! heehee...:P i wrote the instructions leh!!!!! :P
mo is just good....
im ms wang
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Tomorrow is marking day.
I have to go to sch and mark. And mr M said that the "staff wellfare committee" has organised some activities for the teachers. We will be doing "yoga" in the mornng...gosh and i have to wear orange and black as all art tchers will wear that. so officially im given an orange tshirt..but the thing is that, i dont have a black sports pants...all my sports pants are in other colours and my black pants are...well...working pants... -_-'''
and marking is getting boring now...the answers are just too funny...
moe havent send me the email.
i read mufeng's blog..felt funny after reading the entry about jy, felt that 'he' is so far away from me, and the days when i can talk to him, play with him are far gone now, those days that we used to work together seemed so long ago, like years ago. cant seem to have the same courage and willingness to continue any form of interactions, connections, contact with him. you know, im becoming more and more afraid of something, im unsure of what it is. it is just that, i could feel that i still want to see him, want to talk to him, want his help, want to hear about things related to him, want to see him succeed. But, surprisingly, i just cant bring myself to go back to nj to see him. it's like...on the other hand, i'm hating him..to the core. i dun wana see his face, i dun wana see him doing anything, i dun wana hear about him. you know, the kind of contradicting feeling? well...you wont want to see...the thing that's with me is that, things are getting strange. I'm starting to not understand myself. yeah, it's like the situation...well..aiya...i am afraid that if i continue to like him and keep seeing him whenever i can, i will be even more hurt next time, but now, as i try to make him my ex-friend, i feel the same pain as i felt that im forcing myself to do something which i really cant do it....but sighz...let bygone be bygone...yep...and i hearby declare that, i shall not talk to anyone who has any connections to sjy in order to keep myself insulated from him....well...it's not wise but im thinking of doing this.
I have to go to sch and mark. And mr M said that the "staff wellfare committee" has organised some activities for the teachers. We will be doing "yoga" in the mornng...gosh and i have to wear orange and black as all art tchers will wear that. so officially im given an orange tshirt..but the thing is that, i dont have a black sports pants...all my sports pants are in other colours and my black pants are...well...working pants... -_-'''
and marking is getting boring now...the answers are just too funny...
moe havent send me the email.
i read mufeng's blog..felt funny after reading the entry about jy, felt that 'he' is so far away from me, and the days when i can talk to him, play with him are far gone now, those days that we used to work together seemed so long ago, like years ago. cant seem to have the same courage and willingness to continue any form of interactions, connections, contact with him. you know, im becoming more and more afraid of something, im unsure of what it is. it is just that, i could feel that i still want to see him, want to talk to him, want his help, want to hear about things related to him, want to see him succeed. But, surprisingly, i just cant bring myself to go back to nj to see him. it's like...on the other hand, i'm hating him..to the core. i dun wana see his face, i dun wana see him doing anything, i dun wana hear about him. you know, the kind of contradicting feeling? well...you wont want to see...the thing that's with me is that, things are getting strange. I'm starting to not understand myself. yeah, it's like the situation...well..aiya...i am afraid that if i continue to like him and keep seeing him whenever i can, i will be even more hurt next time, but now, as i try to make him my ex-friend, i feel the same pain as i felt that im forcing myself to do something which i really cant do it....but sighz...let bygone be bygone...yep...and i hearby declare that, i shall not talk to anyone who has any connections to sjy in order to keep myself insulated from him....well...it's not wise but im thinking of doing this.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
I guess today im in a good mood. I went about the staff room telling other tchers all my lame and cold jokes...hahaha...bet it made weekeong felt like he needs a heater.
anyway...i've been really unlucky recently, first, i was emo, then i lost my Ez-Link and house key on the bus yesterday. And I am so sure that some aunties just took it and kept it, thinking it will worth a million. oh well...bad impression well formed right now. I mean..i dun like greedy people, if they want the card, go ahead and take it, but please, return the keys at least, now my mum has to change lock. how nice.
ehh...I invigilated 2A today, and i found out that they were quite a few errors in the schedule, such as i realised that my slot for invigilation is from 1120-1155 which indicated that i am supposed to collect the paper, however, their paper does not end till 1215. so I called cuiying who went to find the exam centre people, okay, it came out as, they printed wrongly, and they've arranged a person called "wang mo" to take the nxt period and collect the paper which is from 1155 to 1230, so i can 'just leave at 1155 when the "wangmo" comes to take over me' wow...so it turns out that they think that i am not wang mo, wang mo is another person...-_-''''
ohh...hohohoho...i was watching 2A do their history paper, and you know wad, i duno how to answer 1/2 of their multiple choice qn...wow...and one girl, she was combing her hair throughout the 2hrs...i watched her do that and i was wondering if she'll ever realise that there were exam papers on her table. towards the end, i was imagining her hair dropping..wow...im weird...haha...
I miss my housekey...
anyway...i've been really unlucky recently, first, i was emo, then i lost my Ez-Link and house key on the bus yesterday. And I am so sure that some aunties just took it and kept it, thinking it will worth a million. oh well...bad impression well formed right now. I mean..i dun like greedy people, if they want the card, go ahead and take it, but please, return the keys at least, now my mum has to change lock. how nice.
ehh...I invigilated 2A today, and i found out that they were quite a few errors in the schedule, such as i realised that my slot for invigilation is from 1120-1155 which indicated that i am supposed to collect the paper, however, their paper does not end till 1215. so I called cuiying who went to find the exam centre people, okay, it came out as, they printed wrongly, and they've arranged a person called "wang mo" to take the nxt period and collect the paper which is from 1155 to 1230, so i can 'just leave at 1155 when the "wangmo" comes to take over me' wow...so it turns out that they think that i am not wang mo, wang mo is another person...-_-''''
ohh...hohohoho...i was watching 2A do their history paper, and you know wad, i duno how to answer 1/2 of their multiple choice qn...wow...and one girl, she was combing her hair throughout the 2hrs...i watched her do that and i was wondering if she'll ever realise that there were exam papers on her table. towards the end, i was imagining her hair dropping..wow...im weird...haha...
I miss my housekey...
Tuesday, May 06, 2008

边批上泥土,其实里面是空的。 他拆墙壁的时候,发现一只 壁虎被困在那里一根从外面钉进来的钉子钉住了
的时候钉的。 到底怎么回事?那只壁虎竟然困在墙壁里活了整整十年!黑暗中的墙壁里的十年,真不简单。不
止了装修工程看看它到底吃了什么!他要一探究竟。 过了不久,不知从哪里又钻出来一只壁虎,嘴里含着食
物...啊!他一时愣住了, 这是什么样的情形啊?为了被钉住尾巴而不能走动的壁虎,另一只壁虎竟然在十年
的岁月里一直不停地衔取食物喂它。我听了以后,很感动,真的也不去想它们之间的关系: 亲子,朋友,异
okayokay...time to get out of the emo mood.
I have been rather unhappy these days due to the unreasonable overflow of blueslips...anyway, the thing that i liked the best about invigilation is the quietness, but on a second thought, i prefer teaching. Invigilation = do nothing but walk around. wow...you wont know how boring it is until you get to do it. I used to wish that i will be one of those tchers inviglating one day, and now, that wish is no longer valid. I was in the hall today, and all i did was passing paper and walking and walking and walking. Lucky there was an eye candid for me, I like that boy from this sec1 express class, chubby and cute. at first i tot it was because he looks like jy, but now i guess it's because he's even cuter than jy ever was. yeah. and coincidentally, he is also very good at math and science, saw him finishing the science paper way before his other classmates did. haha...so cute.
And then i went to 3A to give out exam paper, collect paper. everyday do the same thing, but while i was in the hall, the kind of exam scene reminded me of my prelim and Alevel times. You wont know how i missed those times, if i were given a chance to choose, i will rather be the student doing the paper. yeah, sigh, i miss those days, i really do. I hate myself for not being able to realise it earlier, if i did, i would be able to treasure those times a million times better than i did. What was i doing last year? getting myself all stressed up by everything. I should have enjoyed whatever i was doing then, even the "getting angry" part. oh well, may be i did enjoy? hahaha....i enjoyed disturbing jy and testing his limits. ahha..and i enjoyed working and partially fighting along side with sj...that's cool...i enjoyed all greenlink activities, i enjoyed beating mr adrian loh...i enjoyed sleeping in the darkroom in order to escape from boring lessons(even including the part when i got caught by ms seah) well...i must admit that j2 was a really eventful but tense year, i only remembered that i have so much to do, so little time. but everyday i look forward to going to school. yeah...hahaha..of course, can 'stalk' someone lor...hahaha...it's cool...
anyway, like what soemone had told me, when i asked her how she felt about her school days and working days, she said " i enjoyed my school days and i am enjoying my working life right now" this might sound like a rahter typical and simple ans, but it really struck me. I tot i am the one who " hated school life and now is hating working life" and i always tend to look back and regret. from now onwards, i shall give myself no reason to regret again, why not make life easier and happier?
i showed mr azahar the ss scripts today, he cant stop laughing...and he said i was clever.. :P...anyway...he said he expects 20 passes from the whole NA sec3 cohort and i am responsible for their "mid year future" wadever, i assured him that the 20 people target is kinda hard to meet judging from the current scripts that im marking, and it is the best NA class....I marked around 19 scripts for Source based qn and the highest was 13/25, 2 passed. the lowest was 2/25. 17 failed. yeah..-_-'''
There's this source which is a cartoon, and i just dont understand how the student can infer until i question if i am looking at the same cartoon as he did. he was totally 200% out of point....phewww...i cant stop laughing while marking their paper...hahaha...but at least, the benefit is, short and sweet... :P
Monday, May 05, 2008
The thing btw shen jiayi and i is that, we are very different. We think differently, therefore, for most of the times, we both think that we are tolerating the other one. I always seem to be the one at fault, being unreasonable, and somehow, he can always just ignore me, let me hang on there whenever he thinks that i am not being reasonable. that's how he tries to avoid any direct conflict with me. and all the time, i will be the one who either apologise afterwards or talk to him first. it always work this way, that was how our friendship continued till this day. but i guess, it might not work this time. i am tired of this style. we are now officially...the ex-friends
life is just so weird, just as i thought i could...peservere and..well. sigh. met si jie on sat, we had a nice chat, and the topic went back to the same old problem...well..it seems that we cant avoid talking abt ps of jy. haha...and thanks si jie, for holding the same view about him throughout, you know what it means? it means that all along, i was wrong about who he is, you are the one who is right. he hates me.
I marked this NA class's SS, wow, i think i am a strick marker, i failed them, really badly, but i really did try to award them marks as long as they touch on the topic...but some answers are just too....FAR..........
bought ticket back to beijing, will be gone really soon, i will miss singapore.....i think.
I miss nj, no i don't.
the same old qestion....to be or not to be. the lousiest question i've ever heard.
The thing btw shen jiayi and i is that, we are very different. We think differently, therefore, for most of the times, we both think that we are tolerating the other one. I always seem to be the one at fault, being unreasonable, and somehow, he can always just ignore me, let me hang on there whenever he thinks that i am not being reasonable. that's how he tries to avoid any direct conflict with me. and all the time, i will be the one who either apologise afterwards or talk to him first. it always work this way, that was how our friendship continued till this day. but i guess, it might not work this time. i am tired of this style. we are now officially...the ex-friends
life is just so weird, just as i thought i could...peservere and..well. sigh. met si jie on sat, we had a nice chat, and the topic went back to the same old problem...well..it seems that we cant avoid talking abt ps of jy. haha...and thanks si jie, for holding the same view about him throughout, you know what it means? it means that all along, i was wrong about who he is, you are the one who is right. he hates me.
I marked this NA class's SS, wow, i think i am a strick marker, i failed them, really badly, but i really did try to award them marks as long as they touch on the topic...but some answers are just too....FAR..........
bought ticket back to beijing, will be gone really soon, i will miss singapore.....i think.
I miss nj, no i don't.
the same old qestion....to be or not to be. the lousiest question i've ever heard.
Friday, May 02, 2008
okayokayokay...fine. my funny colleagues are getting addicted to my blog. this morning when i stepped into my office, cuiying was complaining about mo not updating her blog and thereore, depriving her weekly entertainment. -_-''
anyway, please, mo is a busy person :) wheeee...i am busy like a donkey...it rhymes but the image does not seem that nice...see if we can change to another one.

one happy greenlink family and i love you all!
okay, i think the pulau ubin trip was definitely traumatising...but there were some rewards...i had fun, really had fun with the young juinors, youth is something precious...hmmmph...im aging... :( we played together, and we stupidly got lost...haha...so typical of mo...I also got the chance to take afew nice pics, well, carrying that a few kg lenses and DSLR camera, the running and walking definitely helped me in slimming down. wheee...
aha...since the mid year has started, we've been having fun laughing at the students' answers, not that we are evil but sometimes, the answers are just too funny...they do help a little in relieving us from the dry marking. ( Mr Azahar decided to trust my ability and let me mark social studies for 3 classes, source base and essay.. yehhhh). here's a few examples of funny answers:
1) chinese essay on "我爱我家": 我爱我家,因为家里有弟弟给我打.......我爱我家..因为家里有妈妈煮米给我吃......我在外面做地头snake.....谁不听我的我就打死他..拿去给pig吃............................
2) English essay( part of the lines): i was boasting about my hair when i was in primary5 because i had a red hair......
3) English closed passage: Qn "if he always offer helps to others we call him a________guy..." then a student put "bad" ( correct me if im wrong cuiying, that's what i rmb from what u said :P)
-_-''' i am appalled by the answers man. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
another science teacher told me his most classic answer for qn: " What are the 2 laws of reflection" the ans: 1) Do not smoke until you reach 18.
2) Do not steal.
2) Do not steal.
anywayanway...oh yeah, movie with mr low, xinni and karen was really good. i like the movie "the bucket list" well, if i am given the chance and money, i will want to travel around the world and make a list of things that i want to do and accomplish them one by one. afterall, we are given a limited lifetime to do what we choose to do, sometimes i do feel quite trouble...i duno if i am doing what i really want or what others wanted me to do. well...i am still troubled, but i hope by the time that i find out that i wont have much longer to live, may be i will be able to get things clearer and realise what are the things that i really wanted. hopefully by then, it wont be too late.
i bet by then, i wont say that i want jiayi. hahaha...
then, interview with the sph ppl was really a scary one. they asked in both chinese and english and later they realised that they prefer to talk in chinese (蔡深江 being one of my interviewers). and to my horror, i realised that i do not really know how to talk properly in chinese, my gosh, bet i was really acting funny that time...idiot me...
okayokay...i am really tired of all these interviews..one day, if im gona give others interviews...if...i will ask them : do you love me, if you do, marry me! ( this is only applicable to handsome male applicants) wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
was doing some doodling juz now...
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