Tomorrow is marking day.
I have to go to sch and mark. And mr M said that the "staff wellfare committee" has organised some activities for the teachers. We will be doing "yoga" in the mornng...gosh and i have to wear orange and black as all art tchers will wear that. so officially im given an orange tshirt..but the thing is that, i dont have a black sports pants...all my sports pants are in other colours and my black pants are...well...working pants... -_-'''
and marking is getting boring now...the answers are just too funny...
moe havent send me the email.
i read mufeng's blog..felt funny after reading the entry about jy, felt that 'he' is so far away from me, and the days when i can talk to him, play with him are far gone now, those days that we used to work together seemed so long ago, like years ago. cant seem to have the same courage and willingness to continue any form of interactions, connections, contact with him. you know, im becoming more and more afraid of something, im unsure of what it is. it is just that, i could feel that i still want to see him, want to talk to him, want his help, want to hear about things related to him, want to see him succeed. But, surprisingly, i just cant bring myself to go back to nj to see him. it's like...on the other hand, i'm hating the core. i dun wana see his face, i dun wana see him doing anything, i dun wana hear about him. you know, the kind of contradicting feeling? wont want to see...the thing that's with me is that, things are getting strange. I'm starting to not understand myself. yeah, it's like the situation...well..aiya...i am afraid that if i continue to like him and keep seeing him whenever i can, i will be even more hurt next time, but now, as i try to make him my ex-friend, i feel the same pain as i felt that im forcing myself to do something which i really cant do it....but sighz...let bygone be bygone...yep...and i hearby declare that, i shall not talk to anyone who has any connections to sjy in order to keep myself insulated from's not wise but im thinking of doing this.