My NUS Montage submission...not very good but i have bo time to really go out and take photos

The Cat
Have you ever looked into the eyes of a cat so intensely before? If you did, then perhaps you will be able to understand the fear and anger they feel towards man. So what is it that had caused the tension between the cat and us? Let’s all reflect inwards and perhaps, if we are sincere enough, we will be able to find the answer along the way.

One day, when we wake up, we’ll probably find ourselves being confined within a space by barbwires. Everywhere else seems so quiet and peaceful except for our hearts, which we know are screaming for freedom. Those being deprived of freedom will eventually break free of the restrictions and be liberated. But for now, the tension remains.

When one fights to arrive at a breakthrough for him/herself, the struggle and sufferings can only be understood by the individual. The tension between the old body and new self will result in conflict. Whichever one emerges victorious, the other will be destroyed. Just like this spider; if it fails to escape from its old skin, it will be dead but if it succeeds, the old skin shall be discarded. From this we see the sacrifice and danger one has to take on in order to move forward, literally and metaphorically.
Have you ever looked into the eyes of a cat so intensely before? If you did, then perhaps you will be able to understand the fear and anger they feel towards man. So what is it that had caused the tension between the cat and us? Let’s all reflect inwards and perhaps, if we are sincere enough, we will be able to find the answer along the way.

One day, when we wake up, we’ll probably find ourselves being confined within a space by barbwires. Everywhere else seems so quiet and peaceful except for our hearts, which we know are screaming for freedom. Those being deprived of freedom will eventually break free of the restrictions and be liberated. But for now, the tension remains.

When one fights to arrive at a breakthrough for him/herself, the struggle and sufferings can only be understood by the individual. The tension between the old body and new self will result in conflict. Whichever one emerges victorious, the other will be destroyed. Just like this spider; if it fails to escape from its old skin, it will be dead but if it succeeds, the old skin shall be discarded. From this we see the sacrifice and danger one has to take on in order to move forward, literally and metaphorically.

The Challenge from another Species
Since the beginning of mankind’s dominance of Earth, the tension between human and animals never ceases. Often we see the cruelty man display towards the animals and rarely do we encounter any sort of retaliation or challenges coming from their side. So now, in a rare scenario of the man versus the crab, will Man emerge as the undisputable victor again? I wonder when the time for man to realise their vulnerability will come.