边批上泥土,其实里面是空的。 他拆墙壁的时候,发现一只 壁虎被困在那里一根从外面钉进来的钉子钉住了
的时候钉的。 到底怎么回事?那只壁虎竟然困在墙壁里活了整整十年!黑暗中的墙壁里的十年,真不简单。不
止了装修工程看看它到底吃了什么!他要一探究竟。 过了不久,不知从哪里又钻出来一只壁虎,嘴里含着食
物...啊!他一时愣住了, 这是什么样的情形啊?为了被钉住尾巴而不能走动的壁虎,另一只壁虎竟然在十年
的岁月里一直不停地衔取食物喂它。我听了以后,很感动,真的也不去想它们之间的关系: 亲子,朋友,异
okayokay...time to get out of the emo mood.
I have been rather unhappy these days due to the unreasonable overflow of blueslips...anyway, the thing that i liked the best about invigilation is the quietness, but on a second thought, i prefer teaching. Invigilation = do nothing but walk around. wow...you wont know how boring it is until you get to do it. I used to wish that i will be one of those tchers inviglating one day, and now, that wish is no longer valid. I was in the hall today, and all i did was passing paper and walking and walking and walking. Lucky there was an eye candid for me, I like that boy from this sec1 express class, chubby and cute. at first i tot it was because he looks like jy, but now i guess it's because he's even cuter than jy ever was. yeah. and coincidentally, he is also very good at math and science, saw him finishing the science paper way before his other classmates did. haha...so cute.
And then i went to 3A to give out exam paper, collect paper. everyday do the same thing, but while i was in the hall, the kind of exam scene reminded me of my prelim and Alevel times. You wont know how i missed those times, if i were given a chance to choose, i will rather be the student doing the paper. yeah, sigh, i miss those days, i really do. I hate myself for not being able to realise it earlier, if i did, i would be able to treasure those times a million times better than i did. What was i doing last year? getting myself all stressed up by everything. I should have enjoyed whatever i was doing then, even the "getting angry" part. oh well, may be i did enjoy? hahaha....i enjoyed disturbing jy and testing his limits. ahha..and i enjoyed working and partially fighting along side with sj...that's cool...i enjoyed all greenlink activities, i enjoyed beating mr adrian loh...i enjoyed sleeping in the darkroom in order to escape from boring lessons(even including the part when i got caught by ms seah) well...i must admit that j2 was a really eventful but tense year, i only remembered that i have so much to do, so little time. but everyday i look forward to going to school. yeah...hahaha..of course, can 'stalk' someone lor...hahaha...it's cool...
anyway, like what soemone had told me, when i asked her how she felt about her school days and working days, she said " i enjoyed my school days and i am enjoying my working life right now" this might sound like a rahter typical and simple ans, but it really struck me. I tot i am the one who " hated school life and now is hating working life" and i always tend to look back and regret. from now onwards, i shall give myself no reason to regret again, why not make life easier and happier?
i showed mr azahar the ss scripts today, he cant stop laughing...and he said i was clever.. :P...anyway...he said he expects 20 passes from the whole NA sec3 cohort and i am responsible for their "mid year future" wadever, i assured him that the 20 people target is kinda hard to meet judging from the current scripts that im marking, and it is the best NA class....I marked around 19 scripts for Source based qn and the highest was 13/25, 2 passed. the lowest was 2/25. 17 failed. yeah..-_-'''
There's this source which is a cartoon, and i just dont understand how the student can infer until i question if i am looking at the same cartoon as he did. he was totally 200% out of point....phewww...i cant stop laughing while marking their paper...hahaha...but at least, the benefit is, short and sweet... :P