's year here is so different..i miss china, i miss beijing, i miss the time that i celebrate my cny in beijing.
haha, celebrating cny at tiffany's hse...
haha idiots...both of us....
'lao yu sheng!"
our "ang baos" wahahahahah
okayyyyy...back to real life, si jie just emailed, so like what i've dreamt, the outing is not going to be...yeah..cant make it. like what always happened to ps, there's always gg to be some emergency changes....... so...14th feb cant, may be some other days, well...may be...after march holi.
ian's email...i duno how to properly describe how i felt after reading it, but one thing im sure is that, i felt sad...very sad...i envy him, at least, he's happy. he's enjoying whatever 'love' he gave out and whatever 'love' he has received from his friends, he tried his best to live his jc life to the fullest. and what am i doing? it is wrong to say that i have wasted my jc life on jy because i made so many other friends, after the bizzare conflict with him, it's amazing how our friendship hardened...became stronger. i think the only way to save the friendship btw jy and i is to have sth like this, a real trashout session. yes. but jy is never as sincere as ian. this i am sure, at least ian's ambition is small, all he wanted was to have a nice time, a memorable jc life, have fun with friends, but jy is different. but now at least i understand whose "ambition" is more noble.'s so strange how i became friends with ian, but now it's not impt to find out how we got here thus far, the impt thing here is, how we are gona continue this precious friendship...let it last longer than anyone wld have expected...but..i wont be a problem cos we've surpassed...overcame the biggest problem in out j2 years le.