Early in the morning, while i was reading newspaper...I saw jiayi's face on one of the photos. So it's abt nj's gonna extend the 4 yr through train programme to 6 yrs, I dun think it's a gd idea, but nonetheless, it's gd thing for virginia cheng as it makes nj different again, prestigious and news catching. but the focus is, jy is there, though i cant see his face, the idiot was looking at the floor when the pic was taken, duno what that bright brain was thinking, probably showing that he's no longer losing hair? sighz...idiots are always idiots. Ian emailed and say jy wont be gg for the outing, duno if he's really busy or he just want to avoid, since i told him he shld not appear for any of the ps outing anymore, but in any case it will be good for both of us. I thought I got over him but i'm wrong, ysd when karen smsed adn said she saw him on news, i was really thrilled and i never thought i actually miss seeing him so much. But, over is over, i should continue to be like this, persevere. everything has an end. Shan yan told me that i no longer love him anymore, im behaving like this only because it has developed into a habit. it's habitual..and im like..I DUN WANT, IT'S WORSE imagine..no...i cant even imagine about having this kind of lousy habits...-_-''' sighz
jy on newspaper
what a good way of appearing on newspaper..but...surprisingly, cant see that he's losing hair.