happy friendship day mr 蓝
Today is International Friendship Day...or...you can call it Valentine's Day...
Received a sms from karen early in the morning..
"Good morning and a very happy friendship day! Thanks for your letter and the encouragement it contains. Let's hope that on this day we'll be reminded of the countless love that surrounds us and lends us the strength to live each day out with happiness. You are worthy of better love and may that arrive when it may to you, and drive away any unpleasant memories. Cheers to our friendship! I see no end. =)"
friends...are the family we chose for ourselves..what more could I have asked for when I have so many good friends? It's okay to be deprived of true love, but it is never okay to have no friends. Trust me.
received an email from a..mentor/friend.. and he said
Remember this:
When your life is fruitless, it does not matter who praise you or endorse you.
When your life is fruitful, it does not matter who criticise you or condemn you.
and...my life right now, is barren...it is sad when people around me seem to have more confidence in me than i am in myself. I am pretty sure that I've suffering from certain mental block, I can't think properly...arhh..let it be..life is barren...life is sad...the futility of human existence..sigh...
I am not feeling good today, not because I don't have a date, not because I cancelled something, it is because, my brain told my heart that it is hollow, and my heart replied to my brain that it felt empty as well, but the truth is, the heart is physically occupied, so full yet so empty, yes, my heart says it is hungry. and, experience in school isn't making my life easier, I am becoming really scared of some students, I shall not recount what happened today, many, many, many, many, many bad things happened. I became a fierce teacher, i sent students out of class, I made students pull their ears, I made them stare at me, I made myself feel sad. Is my tolerance level too low? or am i just no good? nothing's easy...nothing...
But, I am going to persevere, I'm sure, I wont get to where I want to go if I only travel on sunny days...sometimes, rain nurtures as well...it is essential, and i shall worry less about the past...afterall, today's the tomorrow we worried about yesterday and all is well.
If...only....I'd stop trying so hard to be happy last time, I could perhaps, have a pretty good time...afterall no one can define happiness, we have to be unhappy to understand it.