It was a day of...
anyway, when there are too many things to handle, one will naturally break down. I rmb once a friend reprimanded me, he said that I'm just a cry baby. That happened last year, since then, I told myself not to cry, at least, try not to cry unless it's really really too tough...
I cried on Friday, right in front of my supervisor, cried like a little girl. Reasons? The adult world is too ugly. People misunderstand for the sake of misunderstanding, people make friends for the sake of making friends, people smile for the sake of smiling, people gossip for the sake of sheer thrill of finding happiness upon other's mistakes or imperfections. This is an ugly world, I never thought that even teachers could be so superficial, so fake. But, this is the truth. It is where i work in now, I do not suck up, i never liked sucking up, so i will remain as who i am, i wont try to mix around for the sake of wanting to be popular, no i wont, I have my own character.
Went for primary school alumni dinner, the dinner was bad (partly due to my headach), but the people are good, my primary school guys emerged as handsome young men while teachers praised me like anything. all these, all these...seemed to be a sweet dream, consoling me from the nightmare that i've experienced ealier in the day...
the girls
with ms neo
with wu lao shi
who's this? gosh...bonseng!
16th feb Sat
Had slight fever in the morning, probably due to the friday thingy...woke up at 4pm...LATE...went to mr low's hse for bbq, gosh, it's such a LONG WALK...i almost thought that he lives in jungles...miraculously, I found his hse all on my own. Mr low is still the old mr low, the mr low whom i admired, 'loved' and looked up to as a fatherly figure. he's really we joked around...talked about everything under the sun...
xinnie, karen, joyce were there and later vic, peiwen and mab joined us later. The BBQ session was one of the most successful bbq i've ever had, the food are really nice, no left overs, just enough, no over burnt stuff, no uncooked, half cooked things, all is just nice. we spent the evening circling around the bbq pit, talked, drank wine, had fun. How i missed the old days, how i missed the time that we were as carefree as then...sighz...i wana go greece and scotland with mr low! shall save up then! at the end of the thing, mr low lend me "tuesdays with Morrie"...a book that i wanted to read long long sure i will love it, just hope that i wont cry the way like mr low did when he read the book..-_-'''...and...GOT ANG BAO from mr low!!! he's so nice...
karen, mo and vic
karen and i
random...packing to go home...
returned home at 11+...super tired...