ok...i give up...all the colours are screwed up..i duno why...what the heck...never mind...may be one day i shoukld really paint him in these colours...arhhhh...i still havent finish my hist sbq and it's alr. 3 pages...i cant stop writing!!!!!

ARHHHHHHH!!!!!! why colours like this?????!!!!!!!

this one not very clear lehz...hmmmm

arkkk...fat...too fat...

Heyz! it should be in yellow and orange colour!! why like that?! not my fault...now jy looks like a monster...err...paiseh...
oh well...sigh...i lead a miserable life...
Like yesterday, got dragged out of bed by mum again. But this time it was more drama. At around 830 i kind of heard my mum's voice...then i kind of told her to let me sleep for another 15min...(i use "kind of" is 'cos i dun think i was fully conscious at that time, probably dreaming)...then i continued sleeping until..............................i heard a loud BANG! and felt something hitting my exhausted body...ok...i woke up ( Like DEh!!! how can a human not wake up when...she's being attacked by tons of books????)okay...conclusion: My mum threw all my books and file onto my bed (and me) to wake me up. then she nagged and nagged and nagged...about how late it is (when it's only 930am???!!!!!) and how i've wasted ALL my life sleeping ( so ALL my life only comprises of 1hr?) and how not serious i am in preparing for my coming Alevel and SAT ( so all those hrs of sleep sacrificed for revision are reduced to nothing)...arhhhh!!! i've had had enough of her...endurance~!Patience mo! Patience!!!! it's only a few more months and you shall go overseas...as far away as possible...preferably the other half of the globe...wahhh get rid of her at least for 4 yrs first!!!!...
ok...in the morning i wanted to do international hist SBQ and then realised that it is not as urgent as SEA SBQ...so decided to do SEA instead but din finish either at the end. Now i'm feeling very very insecured for my hist, my SEA hist has deproved a lot...ms oon is simply scary...for this CT i got third highest...in my class for international hist..probably the 5th in the level...but then im like duno where for SEA hist...so when both are combined, i only get a 63% percentile. Im really screwed. Sigh...and im really really bad at SBQ...i like essays better...im so lousy at corroboration, utility and reliability check laz. sigh...god bless me for my hist...
oh...the happy part is that i did art...finally i did it...mum was in a good mood in the aftnoon, and she came in to moniter my revision but then fell in love and became addicted with my computer game..hahaha...then she's too busy to see what i was doing...ha ha...so stupid...i had those games long ago...my cousins installed for me but im naturally not the kind who likes playing computer games...i hate computer games and anime wahahaha...and it's juz how amazing that i fell in love with someone who loves those things. yes...mr shen loves those things. yuck!..err...anyway...again..i din finish any drawings...all are like 3/4 done...think im juz this kind of person...will never succeed because i never liked finishing something....wahhhhh....