Monday, August 20, 2007

MSN life without Shenjiayi--Day7

Sunday is a day where people rest. it's bad, i have conflict with the woman who gave birth to me again. for some stupid reason.

and i did SAT papers, did int. hist, did my personal reference, i am almost shamed t death man. Im really not used to boast about myself this way...

let me see what i have to do this weekend
1) Personal Reference
2) International History SBQ
3) International History essay outline
4) International History, Japanese economic miracle essay (over reliance on foreign market part)
5) Revise Southeast Asia Hist, ASEAN during the post 1975 period for SBQ test on monday
6) Art..complete 7 final images
7) Do SAT paper 2 i did..1,4 and 7, and abit of 6 and a bit of 2...okiee....