For a guy whom. i. like.

yesterday was quite a damn day. GP was lousy...but it's no surprise...today's GP is as lousy as ysd's. anyway...joined ps general meeting...and it sucks. The junior batch is really lousy...but sigh...i din really say anything, but then later gq commented on the noticeboard being"very very very very old" and i really cant take it and told him off. I told him that by right the noticeboard should only be changed once a year, and the ps one was changed by si jie and i last yr, so it is not considered too old. And he said something like " i dun care who did it, i only know that it is very old" walau eh...wad the hell. ANd yk went on the say that the black colour was too dull...bla bla bla...and i told him right to his face that "heyz! it ias in black simply bcos it is in camera's shape and cams are black in colour, if u can invent a pink cam i would be more thann happy to draw a pink one!" wad the hell!
bloody ppl
and...i made a card for jy again. To say sorry to have wasted his time the day before his spa and thus indirectly causing him to flop his spa...hope he keeps it well this time...he has a habit of abusing or mistreating the hand made cards that i give him. sigh...
then today...nothing much lor...had SEA hist...revision...and then art theory...mr dio...wahhhhhhhh...chiong arttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!will post my products of tonight later....
but got sth...happened juz now...i saw ian...he went to ar21 to print the inspire certs..and we exchanged a few words...things are juz very awkward btw us now...i think it is impossible for us to return to the past...to find back the old friendship...somethings are just impossible to mend once they are broken...somethings are just irreversible arent they???sigh