Today is saturday, got dragged out of bed by my mum as early as 830am. I had a really funny and weird dream, but i forgot what it was about... why do people always forget their dreams? this is so stupid. i only remember very few of my dreams, once i dreamt that jiayi wanted to kill me. yeah...errrrrrrr....
The first half of today is really productive, i did the math mock paper, and kept on bothering jensen online to ask him math questions. He's really a patient guy siah...i like typed "power 3 power 4" all those confusing powers...then he also can understand...pro siah...and then later his internet got prob...then he like still bothered to sms me how he did the qns. wow...very responsible...and very funny...when i just finished asking one qn, he said ok, ask me when you meet other problems...then i continued doing and within 5 seconds i had to ask him again...and he was like "wow...so soon got qn already arh!" ha ha ha...oh yeah...he's funny this morning he smsed "Oh forgot to you leh....My church got this blessing thing. You need anything? I will keep you in prayer until the thing you want comes true"...wahh...i was so touched...haha...as in..tot we were not close friends and he wont rmb me... then i asked him to pray for me to get good results for prelim and alevels and also...give me a nice guy. Then he replied "A nice guy ah...So is sincere and good person ok liao izit?"...hahah..yeahyeah..nice and good ok liao..im not greedy...not asking for anything more than these...but he has to like me as much as i like him horz...i've suffered enough from unrequited love...oh well...

like the style of these cards...shld i make something like this for my course work? oh but mr lee want everything to be one style...aiya...suck...
but i wasted the other half of my day looking thr. blogs instead of doing my hist SBQ...i found a touching story written by a singaporean author...it's about this girl who believes that she's being cursed, as in then she can therefore...curse others, so she refrained herself from talking to others. And she has this best friend called landy...but in the end she realised that landy was just an imaginary friend that she created for herself. And the thing that caught my eyes was that the setting is in NJC! and the other major character is a boy called jacky...who kept giving the girl joanna care and concern and tried to help her to get out of her own imaginary world...and recover. But in the end...it's a very sad ending...he got brain tumour...actually this whole story sounds quite cliche...but...the dialogues are very very touching. The boy actually constantly said the same line,"can i hold your hand?" then at one scene is that... the boy and the girl both said something at the same time. He said, "can i hold..." she said at the same time "I..." he said "your..." she said "love..." he said "hand?" she said "you!". both said out the lines at the same time. And then the boy fainted...and later discovered his illness...wahhhhhh....
and....just now when i talked to jiayi...he told me that he screwed up his spa...bad...ralli badly...as in...i felt so so so so so guilty...i shouldnt have wasted his time taking photos of him the previous day...
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
i screwed up my spa real bad
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
as in realli bad
clear--"It is not abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices" [Doctors always lie, don't they?] says:
clear--"It is not abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices" [Doctors always lie, don't they?] says:
how come?
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
realli screwed up
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
like did the experiment
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
din even draw the graph
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
so i think may get 0
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
or 2 out of 8
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
clear--"It is not abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices" [Doctors always lie, don't they?] says:
clear--"It is not abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices" [Doctors always lie, don't they?] says:
no wonder u dun look happy on fri
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
clear--"It is not abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices" [Doctors always lie, don't they?] says:
but still got many more to come
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
i was preoccupied the whole day
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
sorry, haha
clear--"It is not abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices" [Doctors always lie, don't they?] says:
clear--"It is not abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices" [Doctors always lie, don't they?] says:
ha ha
clear--"It is not abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices" [Doctors always lie, don't they?] says:
it's ok la
clear--"It is not abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices" [Doctors always lie, don't they?] says:
everyone will feel bad when they screw up their exams
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
clear--"It is not abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices" [Doctors always lie, don't they?] says:
and ur one is Alevel spa
clear--"It is not abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices" [Doctors always lie, don't they?] says:
but still got chance
clear--"It is not abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices" [Doctors always lie, don't they?] says:
as in
clear--"It is not abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices" [Doctors always lie, don't they?] says:
nxt time do better lor
clear--"It is not abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices" [Doctors always lie, don't they?] says:
but then why ?
clear--"It is not abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices" [Doctors always lie, don't they?] says:
why din even draw the graph?
clear--"It is not abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices" [Doctors always lie, don't they?] says:
no time?
clear--"It is not abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices" [Doctors always lie, don't they?] says:
or duno how to do?
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
no time
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
den like
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
my data
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
fly all over the graph paper
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
so was like freaking out
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
my whole body started shaking
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
first time in my life
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
during exam
[jiayi] u asked me not to tell, i didn't says:
Im sorry! duno why...may be he dun blame me but im blaming myself...arhhhhhhhh...im disturbing him!