Sunday, August 19, 2007

I. Talked. To. Him.

mo: Everyone's destined to die, it's just a matter of time. says:
my second wish:
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
mo: Everyone's destined to die, it's just a matter of time. says:
must do
mo: Everyone's destined to die, it's just a matter of time. says:
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
u noe the requirements(:
mo: Everyone's destined to die, it's just a matter of time. says:
mo: Everyone's destined to die, it's just a matter of time. says:
my second wish: Take care of yourself, do not fall SICK. Don't die. DON'T.
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
why u suddenly say this?
mo: Everyone's destined to die, it's just a matter of time. says:
never mind
mo: Everyone's destined to die, it's just a matter of time. says:
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
i won't die wad
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
u ok?
mo: Everyone's destined to die, it's just a matter of time. says:
mo: Everyone's destined to die, it's just a matter of time. says:
Thanks. Remeber my second wish.
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
mo: Everyone's destined to die, it's just a matter of time. says:
mo: Everyone's destined to die, it's just a matter of time. says:
take care.
mo: Everyone's destined to die, it's just a matter of time. says:

[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
is there any reason why u are saying this?
mo: Everyone's destined to die, it's just a matter of time. says:
i just dun want you to die///
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
haha, yeah
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
i promise u i won't(:
mo says:
if i died
mo says:
then u still have to keep the promise.
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
dun say such things
mo says:
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
u are not going to die
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
neither am i going going to
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
going yo*
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
dun any how think
mo says:
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
i will
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
but u are not going to die
mo says:
wait, i want to add on to the wish
mo says:
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
mo says:
you must also make sure that
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
mo says:
mo says:
you will be happy and successful in future
mo says:
mo says:
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
are u seriously alright?
mo says:
you think im crazy?
mo says:
no im not.
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
i noe u are not crazy
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
i am just asking if u are feeling alright?
mo says:
so you promised.
mo says:
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
[jiayi] only dead or lazy fish swim with the stream says:
take care

Because...if im really going to die, the person whom im really worried for is him. He's such a 工作狂..i duno, he used to be very busy, is very busy now and will be very busy in future i guess. and thus he tends to neglect his health. Like skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner or...sleeping late, and over exhausting himself. i want him to be healthy, so i spend the second wish on that. i will not regret abt it.