Sunday, January 16, 2011

Big Painting project 14.01.2011

Big Painting Project work, 2.5m by 2m not counting the fabric part

So, the big painting project is done.

this time the woburn experience is much better than the previous few times. Nothing very much of a pleasant surprise but that's already more than enough for me. I have received a generally much more encouraging bunch of feedbacks.

As I looked around, the works, still confuse me a lot. I never know what contemporary art means exactly. What is the functionality of today's artworks? To shock, to disturb, to provoke controversy, to provoke deep thought? I don't know, so i decided to continue believing in what I used to believe in, which is beauty. I think art has no other more important functions than being beautiful. Visual appeal, is what I'm concerned with but today, more and more people seem to want to look at shocking and provoking stuff than beautiful things. may be their hearts and eyes are so polluted that they cant bear to look at anything truly and purely beautiful.

I like the celebration part, because it was organised by me. I like organising events, it does not show how skillful i am in terms of making food or decorating the place, but it does prove my organisational and leadership qualities. A good leader does not need to be good in everything, but he or she must be good at using his or her people, forming your own army or fleet is deadly important. And I happen to be really good at that, i do not make use of people but rather, I make people exhibit their talent and develop their potential, so in a way, I provide them a platform for them to show off whatever they have and while they're doing that, they make me successful as well. But why am i seem to be so concerned? Because, a leader is the one who's responsible of not only the success but the failures as well. I'd be accountable for any unpleasant accidents and these arent things that i like to see.

anyway, everything went smoothly well, as usual, because I was the one who organised it. Sounds arrogant but that's a fact. I never really like overly humble people, it's either they are fake or they're too weak to accept their capabilities. Anyway, lisa milroy likes my work, which, makes me very happy because she did not say it the way andy used to say...'oh i like it' or 'i think it's your best work so far'...she truely likes my work, and besides when she told me about it, she did not know i was the one who painted it. so what she said to me actually made my day. :)

anyway, so the big painting phase is finished, moving on to something new, I feel so extremely tired after yesterday. As if all energy's being sucked out from my body. I know i have loads to do, but i just couldnt make myself do them. I am thinking of making a stop motion animation, recording my story with grandma. I am actually already preparing the storyline and the photos. it's going to take long, but im sure i will finish it. I hope when it is done, i'd be able to close a chapter of my life. It's too agonising for me.

Saw a very good stop-mo animation, one is Olympus's PEN story and the other is 比悲伤更悲伤的故事。。。
中 文 名: 玛丽和马克思
英 文 名: Mary and Max
发行日期: 2009年片  
长 88分钟
编  剧:亚当·艾略特 Adam Elliot
导  演: 亚当·艾略特 Adam Elliot

影片简介:   这部具有导演半自传式的影片,讲述了一个发生在两位笔友之间的简单故事。故事的主角是两个年龄和教育背景差异巨大的人:一个是住在墨尔本的8岁小姑娘——孤独的玛丽·丁克尔(影片中这个部分是彩色的),一个是住在乱糟糟的纽约市区,肥胖、患自闭症的44岁犹太小老头马克思·霍尔维茨(这个部分影像则变为黑白)。  有时候,最有默契的陌生人,往往会成为最好的朋友……  一个偶然的机会,玛丽和马克思找到了对方并开始了横跨了两个大洲、持续了20年的书信往来。两个人在字里行间所建立的友谊,虽然经历了生活的起起落落和悲欢离合,却顽强地一路前行。影片形式虽为粘土动画,但内容涉及的却是沉重的话题:关于自杀、酗酒、死亡、性和精神疾病。故事充满了黑色而怪诞的幽默感,把观众带入了一场关于友情、自我和对自我的剖析之旅,向人展示了两个人的精神世界、诉说了人类的本源。  奥斯卡影帝菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼为肥胖男马克斯配音,而《阳光小美女》的女演员托妮·克莱特则为小女孩玛丽献声。  《玛丽和马克思》是亚当·艾略特的首部长篇作品,也是是澳大利亚本土出品的第二部定格动画电影(第一部是《9.99美元》)。

导演简介:  导演亚当·艾略特在澳大利亚南部的一个农场长大,后来在维多利亚艺术学院(Victorian College of the Arts)攻读电影与电视专业。他的自述三部曲《叔叔》、《表妹》和《兄弟》在300多个电影节上获得了超过50多项大奖,而《裸体哈维闯人生》则获得了第76届奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖。   《玛丽和马克思》是亚当·艾略特与老搭档梅勒妮·卡伯斯合作的又一部力作,有趣的是,《玛丽和马克思》首映当晚恰好是亚当与梅勒妮携手合作拍片五周年的纪念日。《玛丽与马克思》由Screen Australia、Adirondack和Film Victoria三家独立公司联合投资拍摄,Icon影业负责该片的推广发行。

圣丹斯电影节开幕之作  已有25年历史的圣丹斯电影节在2009年1月15日开幕式上将《玛丽和马克思》作为开幕影片。  圣丹斯电影节的董事杰弗里·杰尔莫表示:“这是一部讲述两种人生、两种生活的影。这两个主角在生理上都有一点障碍,艾略特用黏土为我们描绘了两幅肖像作品。影片中充满了不期而遇的感动、笑料以及迫使我们思考的情节。《玛丽和马克思》这届圣丹斯电影节的开幕影片,也是第一部动画题材的开幕片。我相信,观众在看到影片之后,会对艾略特的工作报以热烈的掌声的,因为他制作出了一部耐人寻味、意味隽永的影片。更令人感叹的是,这样一部影片是黏土动画,并没有依靠过多的电脑动画技术,我想这是最让我感到振奋和感动的。”    说到影片在圣丹斯可能的命运,杰弗里·杰尔莫说“这样一部说这种‘有点不正常’的友谊的影片肯定不会在圣丹斯受到冷遇”。影片的出品方ICON公司的CEO马克?古德(Mark Gooder)对影片的前途丝毫不担心,他说:“没有什么地方比圣丹斯更适合放映艾略特的影片了,他那无与伦比的才华以及对博爱和理解的渴望,肯定会打动所有的观众”。  《国际银幕》的迈克·格德瑞奇认为:“这是一部用成人化的视觉语言构造的动画电影,充满着一种真实而又微漠的悲伤。”《票房》杂志的凯瑟琳·鲁德翠认为:“影片让人思考一个问题,在当下的社会中,还有没有人会设身处地地为别人着想呢?”《综艺》的理解是:“影片关于爱的主题诠释得很生动,但它缺乏说服力,也许是因为我们生活中可以的得到‘爱‘太少了。”注:圣丹斯国际电影节   全世界首屈一指的独立制片电影节。圣丹斯电影节是专为没有名气的电影人和影片设立的电影节。由罗伯特?雷德福于1984年一手创办,经过这些年的积累,这个美国本土的小电影节已成为独立制片业的重要精神支柱,许多好莱坞的新锐导演都视其为执导主流商业大片的跳板。而好莱坞大制片公司要找新秀,“圣丹斯电影节”又是不容错过的人力资源库。一年一度的圣丹斯电影节每年1月18日-28日在美国犹他州的帕克城举行,为期11天。

■亚当?艾略特不仅是本片的编剧和导演,也是影片中所有形象的设计者。他表示是纽约摄影师戴安?阿伯斯(Diane Arbus)拍摄的与众不同的黑白肖像照激发了他的创作灵感。并且影片中有一个角色就是按照阿伯斯的形象设计的。
■剧组里的那些美工,发明了一种叫做“Square i”的工作方法。他们花费大把的时间去模拟拍摄的角度并研究透视效果,在他们确认无误后,黏土动画师和摄影师才会真正开始工作。影片的设置过程中一种使用了212个黏土人,这些黏土人由黏土、复合材料、木棍和金属制作而成。每一个黏土人身上的各个关节都是可以活动的。摄制组特别为影片的两个主角制作了十几个拷贝。
■剧组一共有2位服装设师和147位裁缝,他们包办了影片中所有服装的设计和制作。玛丽的结婚礼服是按照戴已故的安娜王妃的结婚礼服设计的。艾维(Ivy)的连体衣取材于摄影师安妮?蕾伯维茨(Annie Liebowitz)母亲的连体衣。
■808个Early Grey牌的泡茶袋在影片中出现,这是一项巨大的工程。几乎剧组里的所有人——从导演到美工,从制片人到服装服装设计师——都参与了泡茶袋的制作

Wednesday, January 12, 2011



Sunday, January 09, 2011






Tuesday, January 04, 2011

The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long

Monday, January 03, 2011


It's been years, since the last entry.

Many many many many things happened in these 2 years. I don't know how to start.

I lost the password to this blog, and i stopped blogging, but I found it today, sometimes, somethings are easy to retrieve back. However, there are so many things in life that, once you've lost them,there's no way for you to get them back. Never.

I really want to move on, but no one actually has taught me how too. My life is drama, I did not intend to be drama, but this is what life gave me, it is my natural response. I am just different.

Grandma, i normally do not confide in you my problems, last time i often was too proud to confide my real problems to anyone. I thought I can manage, I thought I could manage. It turns out that, no, I can't, I can never ever be able to reach where i am now all by myself. I often neglect those who are ready to help...those who are around me.

You know how much I miss you when finally admitted that i've lost you. those people out there, those people who are telling me that they are sorry to here about your passing, they don't not understand at all, i doubt they really gave a shit about what actually happened to you. I hate people when they just say things for the sake of saying them. That's why I cant make myself like the british, they arent as true and straightforward as we do grandma, words like, 'i'm so sorry, how dreadful, my condolences, my heart goes to...' casual to me, i don't trust a single thing in them.

grandma, to be honest, i don't understand you at all, you know i love you this much, but you actually never did consider me as your top priority did you? I knew it since years ago, but it didnt matter, but now it matters, i thought, the least you could do is to keep yourself alive and be healthy, that's all im asking for, if you do that, i'd not mind if im not your most loved grandchild, but now i mind, because you gave up, i hate you for that!

how can you leave me all alone on this bloody cold planet, i know i have friends, i know i have my parents, i know i have my teachers. but guess what grandma, they cant be used to replace you, not even 10% of you, even if you add them up altogether. no, no way...i am alone.

i just miss you miss you miss you, how do you think i can go back to your house this summer, how do u think i can face our tree and our cats and our fond memories??? what's the matter with you? can't you just come back?? I hate school, i hate the's pretentious and it's restraining me.